[nagdu] pets on a train

Tami Jarvis tami at poodlemutt.com
Fri Mar 6 17:54:35 UTC 2015


A lot of businesses, at least around my former stomping grounds and 
somewhat even here, are solving the "fake" service dog problem by taking 
the "No" off the signs on their doors. Pets allowed! Problem solved. Or 
at least, problem eased. Mostly what I read and hear about the trend is 
loud squalling from those who are sure it will all end in fire, but I 
would have to dig for information to find out what the actual results 
are for the businesses in question. Someday, when I'm back to being 
involved more outside of family stuff, I'll ask around. Asking store 
managers or owners as I'm walking in with my guide wouldn't result in 
useful answers, but if I'm hanging with said manager or owner at a 
meeting, the subject can come up naturally and I can listen. I wonder if 
there are statistics of the before and after variety somewhere to use in 
future decision making? I doubt it.

During the time I've trained and worked Mitzi, I've been generally in 
dog-friendly areas, with dog friendly businesses, and the pets have been 
generally well-behaved. A lot of them are as perfectly behaved and 
well-mannered as the mythical guide dog that never even has a hair out 
of place, let alone a manner. Those that do slip up are dealt with as 
quickly and easily as service dogs with responsible handlers. 
Occasionally, two dogs will take a dislike and express it vocally, so 
the owners deal with that and keep the dogs away from each other, so it 
doesn't turn into anything and is no big deal. Or someone's dog will be 
real excitable that day and can't settle down and stop bouncing, so they 
take the dog home, and it's no big deal and everyone else can just go on 
with shopping.

So that strongly influences my thinking on the matter of pets in stores 
or on transportation. My version of utopia involves lots of dogs and 
even other pets everywhere! As for my working dog... If she can't work 
in the real world, then I need a working dog who can. So we did a lot of 
dog distraction training at Home Depot. /lol/ No Home Depot here, so 
I'll have to improvise with Loki to get him used to minding his manners 
with other dogs around in stores before moving up to places where the 
only dog he's likely to encounter will be another working dog.

Maybe in other places, it's true that all pets are horrible dirty 
monsters, as I keep hearing they are. In places where that is true, if 
it is, letting those pets into businesses would probably be a bad thing. 
In other places, it's a neutral thing or a good thing.


On 03/06/2015 04:33 AM, Buddy Brannan via nagdu wrote:
> Yeah, not to mention allowing well-behaved pets in public places would solve the “fake service dog” problem.
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: 814-860-3194
> Mobile: 814-431-0962
> Email: buddy at brannan.name
>> On Mar 6, 2015, at 1:23 AM, Raven Tolliver via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> This is not a first by any stretch. There are many places throughout
>> the United States that already allow pets, large and small, on public
>> transportation.
>> Check it out
>> http://www.dogfriendly.com/server/newsletters/features/transportation.shtml
>> This move by Amtrak is a step in the right direction. People will be
>> expected to keep their pets in check by Amtrak and one another, and
>> the people who have animals with foul behavior can be removed or
>> penalized. Also, people have to pay for their pets, it's not like you
>> can just walk on. Let me know if I got that wrong.
>> Hopefully, businesses other than public transport will start making
>> these allowances. I mean businesses outside of dog-friendly
>> communities -- Wal Mart, Target -- businesses like that. There's no
>> reason not to hold people to reasonable standards and high
>> expectations when it comes to bringing their pets out with them.
>> Observing people in dog-friendly communities, most people do a very
>> good job of keeping their animals in check. It's not just the
>> businesses people are worried about offending, but other pet owners.
>> If your dog does something in a business, you could ruin it for
>> everyone. If your dog is a nut job while other people's dogs are
>> well-behaved, it makes you look bad. And so you don't want to be that
>> person -- that person with the noisy dog, that person with the
>> foul-smelling dog, with the dog that is out of control, with the dog
>> that gets up in everybody else's business, that person who doesn't
>> clean up behind their dog. So you are respectful and keep your pet
>> respectable to be unoffensive and to keep from being embarrassed.
>> These are unspoken rules that naturally arise out of simply giving
>> people this freedom.
>> --
>> Raven
>> You are valuable because of your potential, not because of what you
>> have or what you do.
>> Naturally-reared guide dogs
>> https://groups.google.com/d/forum/nrguidedogs
>> On 3/5/15, Buddy Brannan via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> I couldn't disagree with you more. Well-behaved pets, in Buddy's perfect
>>> world, which this ain't, would belong anywhere people wanted to take them.
>>> The key being well-behaved. Naturally, at least in the US, most pets are not
>>> terribly well-behaved, but that's a people thing that could be fixed some
>>> day.
>>> --
>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>> Phone: 814-860-3194
>>> Mobile: 814-431-0962
>>> Email: buddy at brannan.name
>>>> On Mar 5, 2015, at 7:38 PM, S L Johnson via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> What a stupid idea.  Right now they talk about little dogs in carriers
>>>> but,
>>>> the next thing will be all kinds of pet dogs.  We have enough trouble now
>>>> and laws like this will make it much worse.  Pets belong at home!!
>>>> Sandra and Eva
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Sherrill
>>>> O'Brien
>>>> via nagdu
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 2:46 PM
>>>> To: flagdu at nfbnet.org; Nagdu
>>>> Subject: [nagdu] pets on a train
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> A couple weeks ago I tried unsuccessfully to send out information about
>>>> this
>>>> proposed legislation, and now it has passed. This link to a Washington
>>>> Post
>>>> article should work. Hopefully, this change in Amtrak policy allowing pets
>>>> on trains won't confuse some Amtrak staff into lumping us in with the pet
>>>> bringers!
>>>> Sherrill
>>>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/in-the-loop/wp/2015/03/03/gop-house-and-
>>>> white-house-agree-on-something-amtrak-funding-and-pets-on-a-train/
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