[nagdu] Whoops! Ignore prior post. Forgot to change subject/snip! Why States have their own laws... Was Oregon

Dailyah dailyahpatt at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 9 18:40:15 UTC 2015

The ADA DOES override since it's the ADA that, in this case, provides the highest protection for the handlers.
But that's exactly why we have all of these different laws in different states...In MOST states that have special service dog law on the books, the state law is going to the the one that overrides. Service dog folks have worked hard for this since the federal laws only provide civil protection - think monetary damages after the fact.  Most of the state laws have more teeth in general and many provide criminal penalties for things like interfering with access and intentionally causing harm to a team.  Some have also provided for free state tags, etc.  
What were seeing now is fall out and backlash  to the sudden surge of dogs in public and after so much negative attention was brought to the idea of a faker problem. 
It's only recently that we've seen states trying to put things into their laws that hurt handlers.  Up until now the state laws have been our friends.
For about a year I've been saying that ours is, "an industry in crises".  I suspect many of you would agree.
Dailyah RudekProBoneO Program 
      From: Bridget Walker via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
I have a question. Doesn't the federal ADA override all of this craziness? Why do we have different service dog laws for different states? 

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