[nagdu] allergies

Lori Dent loriandleo at ohiohills.com
Mon May 11 03:58:19 UTC 2015

Hi Danielle,

My  guide dog Gipp has food and environmental   allergies. Gipp would 
scratch himself  a lot and wasn't able to stop and his ears got red  but he 
never had an ear infection.

Iended up getting Gipp allergy tested  for food  and environmental 
allergies.  Gipp is allergic to the meat protein   in the leading dog foods. 
So Gipp can only eat certain dog foods that were listed on his allergy test 
results and it included prescription ddog food.

I also have Gipp on allergy medication  and he's eating a prescription dog 
food called  Ultra Allergeon  ZD and he's done wonderful on it.

I hope you can get your dogs food allergy figured out. Take care.

Lori and the Gipper 

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