[nagdu] Theft prevention WAS Re: restaurants and cafes
John Sanders
starmy22 at gmail.com
Sat May 16 22:04:59 UTC 2015
I have a question: when I was eating in a restaurant with my parents one
evening; Mollie started to sniff around and started to walk around.
We were sitting at a booth.
I did the following:
1. Gave her a leash correction and gave her the command"Mollie lay!".
That didn't work.
2. I gave the command "Mollie come" and that didn't work either.
she is only 18 months.
How should I go about fixing this?
I hope to hear from you soon.
John Sanders
-----Original Message-----
From: Debby Phillips via nagdu
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 4:48 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: Debby Phillips
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Theft prevention WAS Re: restaurants and cafes
Some dogs will go off with anybody it seems. That always scares me a bit.
Others will hardly let you out of their sight. Both extremes are terrine.
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 16, 2015, at 1:09 PM, Tami Jarvis via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
> Debby,
> You are not the only paranoid about theft. I used to worry a lot, then
> realized that anyone trying to walk off with Mitzi would be in for a big
> surprise. She's overboard with the velcro, and I had to work with her to
> get her to agree to let even her best human friends to hold her leash. I
> made sure to let groomers and vet techs know that they needed to wait for
> me to hand them her leash before she would go with them. Most actually
> understand when I explain why. Even if I'm spaced off sitting at the bus
> stop in the noisy city, no one can just sneak off with the nice poodle
> without my noticing.
> Then there's Mr. Friendly... I'm teaching him not to go off with the
> groomer or the folks at the vet's office until I hand them the leash in
> the hopes he will get the idea not to go off with whichever long lost best
> friend wants to take him for a walk while I'm not looking. He's pretty
> velcro, too, so that should help. I hope he's not such a pain as Mitzi if
> I want to go for a swim or something and leave him with a friend at the
> side of the pool, but I do want to teach him not to go off with strangers
> just because they smile pretty and have their hands on his leash.
> For restaurants, I do what most people do, it seems, and clip the leash
> around my leg so I will feel if there's any disturbance. Poodles are
> notoriously fidgety, especially if there's a lot going on that they can't
> watch, so being able to feel movement helps with training them to stay
> settled or to settle them back down. I'm using what I learned from Mitzi
> to get a head start with Loki, so by the time he's working in restaurants,
> I'll be able to eat and enjoy from the beginning.
> Tami
>> On 05/16/2015 06:58 AM, Debby Phillips via nagdu wrote:
>> Okay call me paranoid but even though my dog lies quietly at my feet, I
>> always try to have hold of the Leash so that nobody can steal my dog.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 15, 2015, at 11:23 PM, Raven Tolliver via nagdu
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> When I first got my golden, I looped the short leash over my knee.
>>> He just crashes when I'm sitting though, so I usually just drop the
>>> leash, lay it across his back, or weave it through the harness.
>>> Sometimes, I will sit with the leash looped around my ankle. He just
>>> sleeps, so I make sure I know where the leash is in case I need to
>>> grab it at a moment's notice.
>>> I position him under the chair, beside the chair if they have the
>>> horizontal bars between the legs, or in front of my feet if I am
>>> sitting on a couch or booth. I do as much as I can to keep him out of
>>> the way and out of the sight of others.
>>> I always love it when my friends say they forgot my dog was even with
>>> us, or if other customers or the waitress comment that they didn't
>>> even know a dog was in here.
>>> --
>>> Raven
>>> You are valuable because of your potential, not because of what you
>>> have or what you do.
>>> Naturally-reared guide dogs
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/forum/nrguidedogs
>>>> On 5/15/15, Sonja O via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> For hands free, over the shoulder styles, I would check out bold lead
>>>> design.
>>>> They can make you custom ones.
>>>> http://boldleaddesigns.com
>>>> Or you can contact karen with lds leather.
>>>> Either way, they got nice leads.
>>>> Best, sonja and chief :)
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On May 15, 2015, at 6:06 AM, Darla J. Rogers via nagdu
>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear rox,
>>>>> Where do you obtain a hands-free leash? This sounds like the ticket
>>>>> for
>>>>> me
>>>>> since holding mu foot on the leash isn't always easy because of some
>>>>> nerve
>>>>> damage.
>>>>> Darla & the Mighty Nose of Missouri
>>>>> Darla J. Rogers M.S.
>>>>> Djrogers0628 at gmail.com
>>>>> When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
>>>>> ¯ Wayne W. Dyer
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