[nagdu] An Uber Experience
Beckman, Noah G.
beckman.430 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Wed May 20 18:43:44 UTC 2015
Good afternoon everybody,
I just wanted to inform you all about an issue I had with Uber last night, and the exceedingly positive way it was resolved. Before last night, I largely regarded out right refusal to accommodate service dogs as a misfortune that would befall others, but not me. Sure there have been half a handful of times when agents of businesses gave me mild trouble due to simply not knowing the law, but I was always successful in eventually gaining access after bringing them up to speed. Since my outright dog refusal virginity has vanished, it brought the problem home to me in a way that makes me grateful despite the fact that ten minutes of my time and mild emotional stress were wasted. To be honest, the ramifications could have been a lot worse.
Since mid-October, I have used Uber at least a dozen times and have been delighted each ride with the courtesy of its drivers, the quality of service, and the extremely low fares. As I exited the restaurant where I dined last evening, I anticipated nothing different. I walked to the only idling car I heard parked in the front row of spaces. As my Mia showed me the passenger side door of the minivan in question, I wondered mildly why the driver made no attempt to verbally hail me as is typically their practice. I tried the door and found it locked. The driver rolled down the passenger window and immediately began berating me for not giving him advance notice of my dog. I calmly explained that under the law that governs the rights and responsibilities of service dog handlers, it is not necessary for me to provide such notice. I told him that my dog is extremely well behaved to the point where the driver would probably forget she was in the car by the end of the trip. He responded that he would "call Uber about it" but told me he was leaving without me. I had curled my fingers over the top of the partially rolled down window and at this point, the driver demanded that I remove them because he had already wasted enough time driving to the restaurant and he wanted to leave. With my fingers still in place, I responded that if he would just let me in and take me home, the time would not have been a waste. This peerless logical appeal did not seem to hit the mark.
"Do you want me to punch you?" he yelled.
"To punch me?" I asked incredulously "What I want you to do is give me the ride home that I requested, but if you can't do that, bring it on." I will admit that I was a tad bit hot under the collar, despite the cool calmness of my delivery. Perhaps I shouldn't have responded in this fashion, but I don't regret what I said. I might have if a physical altercation actually occurred. Though none did; the driver slowly backed out of the parking spot, effectively forcing me to unhand his window. He then drove away.
I requested another ride and a typically wonderful driver arrived in ten minutes. In the trip feedback for the not so lovely driver, I explained the situation. I received a phone call this afternoon from an Uber representative who was pleasant and understanding as I explained what happened. He assured me that my trip would be refunded and explained that the driver would be made aware of the law regarding service animals and be warned that if he broke it again, Uber would "terminate their partnership with him". It might be tempting to doubt the latter promise made in the last sentence, but I feel that if Uber is willing to refund me based solely on my word, I should trust what they tell me as well. I just thought I would let you all know. By the way, today marks a year that Mia has been enthusiastically doing her best to pull my left arm off in whatever direction I command. Hopefully, it will be just one of many years that she does it. It is a wonderful feeling.
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