[NAGDU] {Spam?} Re: going in to hospital soon
S L Johnson
SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
Wed Apr 20 02:41:56 UTC 2016
Hello Steph:
I have had it both ways. I have left my dog with family or a friend while I
was in the hospital and I have had my dog with me in my private room with
friends or hospital security took her out for me. I have done this with
three of my past guides and they were a bit nervous but once they saw me
clip their leash and hand it to the nice friendly security guard, they were
thrilled for a good long walk. My Cinnamon and Tara loved her evening and
morning rounds with the security officer in the hospital and rehab center.
It took two weeks in hospital and a month in rehab but both Cinnamon and
Tara were just fine with the new arrangment. as long as she goe lots of
attention from the staff but especially me. Thuis is something you need to
discuss with your doctor to be sure your medical treatment will not allow
you to be alert enough to be aware of her care. If you do consider keeping
her at the hospital then, maybe take her in advance to see where you two
will be and where they wwilol be taking her out. I find it helpful to write
up a simple schedule for hospital staff so theyh know what to expect from
your furry partmer. If you wish to discuss my experience in person sinc I
have used up my limit, please contact me at the information below. I've had
very positive experiences with both leaving my dog at home with someone
caring for her and also having her with me in the hospital. I never got so
much attention than when my dog was with me. All the nurses, aids and
doctors and physical therapist loved cominfg into my room just to see tara
or Cinnamon. They all felt my dog was a very important of our in and out
patient treat plan. Now is the time for a lot of discussion with everyone
involved. Again, good luck and you have my preyers. My information is
below and I'd love to be off some comfort an help to you.
Sandra Johnson With Guide Dog Eva
Email: SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
I believe according to the ADA, the right to have your dog with you in the
hospital but of course someone would have to take her out for relief. If I
were you, I would start now by letting someone take her out for you. If you
leave her at home with someone, she will obviously be upset but, it might
help her if she is used to that person taking her out for you. Maybe try it
with you going along the first few times and encouraging her to go with the
other person. try a lot of very happy excited praise and a few treat
rewards to give her extra incentive to go with this person. You are in a
tough situation because you need medical care and your dog needs her needs
met too. Maybe some others will have other suggestions too. Good luck to
both of you. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Sandra and Eva
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephanie via NAGDU
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:22 PM
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Cc: Stephanie
Subject: [NAGDU] going in to hospital soon
Hi all,
I will be going in to hospital at some point soon for about 3 to 5 days,
and am a bit worried how my dog will go with out me. She will not go out for
anyone but me, even for a walk. My trainer thinks she will if I'm not there,
but I'm looking for any tips people might have for me in this situation.
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