[NAGDU] My little girl
Caitlyn Furness
caitlyn.furness at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 13:31:49 UTC 2016
I have had a dog like this before. I kept her on leash or in her crate for 6 months-til she could behave herself.
> On Apr 19, 2016, at 10:50 PM, d m gina via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Well, this is the first dog who has done this, from the other dogs I have had.
> They would let me know when they had to go out.
> My question to the list was,
> Have any of you had this experience before, and how did you handle it.
> Original message:
>> It sounds like she needs to stay on the leash at all times. You may wish to invest in A dragline, or along line. This is frequently made out of nylon, that is between six and 20 feet long. That way, she can still be on the leash, for playing, but you can keep track of her and know where she is. You can then gradually give her more and more freedom on the dragline, when she proves her good behaviour.
>> Best of luck,
>> Rox and the kitchen Bitches:
>> Mill'E, Laveau, Soleil
>> Pawpower4me at gmail.com
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 19, 2016, at 5:32 PM, d m gina via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Wel,
>>> when she is angry with me, she will go outside as requested then come in and go again.
>>> This is off leash.
>>> When we don't see her at all, just go by the smell and then I found a wet spot where she goes all of the time.
>>> On leash in the house she is with no problem.
>>> Original message:
>>>> Now how do you know this is for spite. I think cats do this kind of thing more than dogs do, though I'm sure not in a position to say you are wrong.
>>>> Cindy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of dar via NAGDU
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 3:12 PM
>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Cc: dar <dmgina at samobile.net>
>>>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] My little girl
>>>> There is no problem with her. It is out of spite.
>>>> Yes she is on leash until she plays not on leash, when we can't catch her in the act.
>>>> Dar
>>>> Every saint has a past,
>>>> Every sinner has a future
>>>>> On Apr 19, 2016, at 11:53 AM, Caitlyn Furness via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> Dar,
>>>>> If she won’t be good off leash with being clean in the house-guess what?? She wouldn’t get to be off leash in the house-not here, anyway!! Keep her on lead or in her crate til you can trust her.
>>>>> I don’t care, dogs just don’t pee or poop inside out of spite. Perhaps she’s getting overly excited, perhaps you aren’t giving her enough time outside to get things done.. I don’t know, since I am not there, but if you really drive it home by keeping her on lead or in her crate til you get her clean in the house, it’ll get better. The more times she has to repeat making messes inside, the more it’ll just become a nasty habit.
>>>>> And, you probably already did this, but make darn sure she doesn’t have a urinary tract infection,e tc, anything that might make her not be able to hold her water-just to make sure.
>>>>> Good luck, and keep at her, I know you can get through to her!
>>>>> Cait
>>>>>> On Apr 19, 2016, at 6:30 AM, d m gina via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>> This is quite entertaining to me,
>>>>>> when you correct my dog for sniffing others, she shakes her head, then jumps up and down with her front feet.
>>>>>> Reminds me of a little kid who didn't get her way.
>>>>>> When someone comes into the house, and I want her to sit be quiet then get a pet, she jerks her leash away from me.
>>>>>> I correct for this, not exceptable.
>>>>>> The way to get even is to pee on the carpet.
>>>>>> Then we are put in our crate.
>>>>>> This to isn't exceptable.
>>>>>> There is nothing with her health that is wrong, it is attitude.
>>>>>> We have been a team for five months now, threw all five months she has been on leash.
>>>>>> We first started to poop in the house,
>>>>>> calling the school they said back on leash until she gets it.
>>>>>> I want to go back to my knitting.
>>>>>> Has anyone had a dog do this kind of thing, and did you get it solved.
>>>>>> Today she is 21 months old.
>>>>>> She wil do her bathroom outside, then come in and spite says I will get even.
>>>>>> Her work is getting better and better all of the time, deciding what is good and how to go around cracks in the side walk things like that.
>>>>>> Following is good as well.
>>>>>> She gets mad when I don't let her lick the floor in a cab.
>>>>>> I have lots of patients to work with her, but not to let her pee in my house.
>>>>>> Also I keep her on leash, then she won't do it in the house.
>>>>>> It is done when she wants to play or gets unhappy with me and is off leash.
>>>>>> Praise, we give praise all of the time,
>>>>>> Big girls go potty outside.
>>>>>> I can take her shopping be gone for four hours where she is loving all of it.
>>>>>> Loves the mall, anything to build her up.
>>>>>> Church she loves to smell peoples buts.
>>>>>> Oh she can really get into it, if I don't stop her rite away.
>>>>>> Or as soon as I can.
>>>>>> That is when she jumps up and down with her front feet.
>>>>>> I make her sit.
>>>>>> I also don't put up with jerking with the leash to get away.
>>>>>> I know she wishes to be a guide, it sure isn't that.
>>>>>> Where getting her way is what she wants.
>>>>>> Thanks for any thoughts.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> --Dar
>>>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>>>> FB: dmgina
>>>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>>>> every saint has a past
>>>>>> every sinner has a future
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>>> --
>>> --Dar
>>> skype: dmgina23
>>> FB: dmgina
>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>> every saint has a past
>>> every sinner has a future
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> --
> --Dar
> skype: dmgina23
> FB: dmgina
> www.twitter.com/dmgina
> every saint has a past
> every sinner has a future
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