[NAGDU] Loose in the house

Raven Tolliver ravend729 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 01:54:57 UTC 2016

Why not a recreational bone? Do you think she would choose one over
the furniture?

Also, you can take sprays in your luggage. And I wouldn't worry about
spraying bitter apple on the furniture. Not to be obscene, but there
are far worse things a hotel room bed has seen.
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On 1/24/16, d m gina via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Yes I have a tie down, but I don't want her to chew the bed or anything
> like that.
> She gets board where I don't know if apple would ruin a bed or not, or
> if it would be a good idea to take something like that or if you could.
> I know you can't have sprays in your bags.

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