[NAGDU] ACAA Proposal

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sun May 8 12:47:42 UTC 2016

Hi Tami, Mardi here. My sentiments exactly on the ESAs. They don't have
access rights,because they are not service dogs. They have no training.Why
should they get to fly free? We don't have to pay a fee for our service
dogs to fly,because the ADA says that we can't be charged a fee. But ESA's
get to fly and for free. That is not right! I agree that ESA's should not
be aloud to fly in the cabin of the air plane at all. If some one wants to
have their pet go on a flight with them, the pet should fly in the cargo
hold.I agree with Marion, that there is a misconception about ESA's being
service dogs. I see many elderly people in stores with vested,small dogs
riding in carts . When they see my dog,they start barking and growling and
lunging to the point of almost jumping out of the cart to get at my
dog.Both Neechee and Shaman have been harassed by these uncontrolled  dogs.
Both have walked by them totally ignoring them and doing their job as if
those ESA's were not even there.These people do nothing to stop their dog
from being out of control. They just stand there and do nothing. Once
Shaman was almost attacked by a pit bull in a grocery store. I pulled him
out of the way and the owner of the offending dog grabbed her dog and tied
him back up with a rope that she had tied to her cart. The times that
Shaman has been attacked has been by Pit Bulls that were running loose on
the streets, but I feel that it is only a matter of time before it happens
in a store. I call these dogs fakes as they are not service dogs.There have
been a few that were not elderly people with dogs in the stores, but those
dogs also acted out of control.I feel that those  are the people fakers and
that they know that their dog's are not real service dogs. These Elderly
people need to be educated as to what is a service dog and what is not a
service dog. The actual people fakers also need to be educated about the
law and prosecuted . The store managers also need to be educated. I have
tried but so far,they just don't care. These managers will let any dog walk
through the doors of their stores. As for CCI and ADI, I do think they are
making things look worse than they really are, creating a problem that will
benefit them , with the type of solution they want.I also do feel that they
are anti-owner trainer. This ACAA proposal is a start to remedy a problem
with the ESA's flying, But a lot more education is going to be needed to
remedy the fake  problem.        Mardi and Shaman,semi-retired and
Neechee,GD and Sedona, GDIT.



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