[NAGDU] collar question
Jenine Stanley
jeninems at icloud.com
Mon May 16 22:58:29 UTC 2016
I think I’ve heard the bell you use on your dogs and it sounds lovely, jsut loud enough.
> On May 16, 2016, at 6:14 PM, S L Johnson via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello:
> When I use slip rings for the tags, I use the smallest ones you can buy.
> Mine are half inch. Those don't get all tangled up in the collar when you
> are working your dog. I got mine at Home Depot at the counter where they
> make keys. Also, if you do not like slip rings, you can always do as many
> schools did for years and use S-hooks. Just be sure to get ones large
> enough to go over the thickness of your dog's collar. You attach them with
> a small pair of pliers. They come in many sizes and can be found at most
> hardware stores. I frequently check my dog's collar to be sure my S-hooks
> or slip-rings have not gotten opened up so the tags can fall off.
> The bell that I have always used is a small one-inch brass
> cow bell. It is one inch tall, one inch wide and half an inch thick. It
> has a pleasant jingling sound. It came with a clip to attach it to the
> collar. It can also be attached with a small slip ring. I like that one
> because it isn't too loud but loud enough to be heard if trying to follow
> friends. The sound is not so loud that it is annoying to you, your dog or
> other people. I like it when my dog is free running in a fenced yard or dog
> park so I know where she is. I got this bell many years ago and have not
> been able to find them again. I am on my last one so, I hope it lasts for
> ever or else I find where to get them. I have checked online but most
> stores have the larger very loud cowbell styles at least two to three inches
> that fit on a flat collar by a thick nylon loop. The tiny bells I like are
> about the size of a regular dog tag and can easily be clipped to the collar
> or the harness. I am not fond of the round jingle bells. They are too loud
> and sound too much like Christmas sleigh bells but, I guess the smaller ones
> would due if I can't find anything else. I have never seen the Claw bells
> that Jenine described. I agree with Cindy, the websites should have a link
> to a demonstration of how the bells sound.
> Sandra and Eva
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tami Jarvis via NAGDU
> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 3:55 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Tami Jarvis
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] collar question
> The bear bell has a good sound, but the large ones are kinda loud. One
> thing I've noticed while using a louder bell is that people move out of
> the way when the dog walks up behind them. So it's convenient for
> crowded places. Not sure people in the next store need to hear my dog
> walking around, though. Now that Loki's moved into more working than
> training, I need to get busy and find light, tinkly bells for when he's
> working.
> I'm searching claw bells now, so thanks, Jenine, for that lead. :)
> Tami
> On 05/16/2016 08:01 AM, Caitlyn Furness via NAGDU wrote:
>> Mark and I do this when we go to annoying places like the mall. Weв?Tve
>> lost each other in there more then a few times, so we use bear bells
>> attached to either the harness or our back packs to help keep track of
>> each other! although Maggie isnв?Tt trained to follow, she wonв?Tt lose
>> Mark, but markв?Ts dog is less vigelent about this!
>> Cait
>>> On May 16, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Dan Weiner via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> Well I have been known to put a cow bell or some type of bell on one f
>>> the harness handle rings, that is for when I'm with another blind person
>>> and they can hear where I am, I'm araid it makes noise and that's what
>>> it's suppposed to do. I don't have htem on now as I'm by myself but if
>>> I'm with another blind person it is sometimes useful to just slip them
>>> on.
>>> Cordially,
>>> Dan W.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jenine Stanley
>>> via NAGDU
>>> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:12 AM
>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>> Cc: Jenine Stanley
>>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] collar question
>>> If you can find them, 2-inch claw bells have a very nice focused sound.
>>> The 1-inch ones Iв?Tve had are too small to make decent sounds and many
>>> donв?Tt ring at all but the 2-inch ones are very nice. Just do a search
>>> for claw bells.
>>> What are claw bells you ask? they are tubular bells with a serated bottom
>>> edge, large serations, like well, claws.
>>>> On May 16, 2016, at 5:36 AM, Caitlyn Furness via NAGDU
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> If I could find bells that are pretty soft sounding and didnв?Tt make a
>>>> ton of noise, it might be different.
>>>> when I lived in my house, I had bells on all my dogs and it wasnв?Tt a
>>>> problem. Guess in this relatively small space of an apartment, though,
>>>> itв?Ts just too much!
>>>> and I do likehaving the tag silencer on when the dog is working, like
>>>> Julie talked about. the tag noise can attract loose dogs, and we have a
>>>> ton of those around here we def donв?Tt need to attract!
>>>> Cait
>>>>> On May 15, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Tami Jarvis via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Caitlyn,
>>>>> That's funny. I like the tag noise for echolocation and to know where
>>>>> my dog is. I also like bells, though I need to get some more soft
>>>>> sounding ones. They're forever falling off, and I only notice when I
>>>>> feel lilke I'm falling down a cliff because I can't hear the ground
>>>>> in front of my dog. /lol/ I got some tracking bells to try them out
>>>>> awhile ago, and they stay on the collar and don't break, so that's
>>>>> great for out of doors. I need some reasonable bells for Loki,
>>>>> though, for when he's working. I also like tags and bells on other
>>>>> dogs when they're around, so I know they're there. I just like
>>>>> knowing there are dogs around, I guess, so if they jingle, I am
>>>>> happy. /shrug/
>>>>> When Zay, my husband's mutt was young, I used a martingale prong collar
>>>>> to slow her down and to keep my arms attached. I tried using it without
>>>>> removing her nylon martingale, but that didn't work, because she
>>>>> doesn't have a neck. I'm used to poodles with long, long necks like
>>>>> dobies have, so it took me awhile to figure out the problem. /lol/ She
>>>>> outgrew the martingale and is wearing a plain old flat collar now, but
>>>>> she does well at remembering loose leash, so it works. Her nose
>>>>> lengthened out just enough I can pop a GL on her if we're going on long
>>>>> walks, but it's now more of a just-in-case.
>>>>> I was going to get Loki a Ruffwear collar with a special attachment for
>>>>> licenses and bells. While I was waiting for him to grow into the next
>>>>> size, a friend gave me a collar she'd never used, so that's what he's
>>>>> got. It's desert camo, and it looks good with his black harness. I had
>>>>> planned on blue for him, but camo and black is what we have. If he ever
>>>>> gets past his leash chomping stage (ha!), I'll be doing another
>>>>> Ruffwear buy and probably get him the Crag collar for daily wear and
>>>>> out of doors. Or not. We'll see. He just chomped another leash, but
>>>>> maybe that was a last blast, for old time's sake, and I can get one
>>>>> that isn't all stitched together and inches shorter than it's supposed
>>>>> to be. I want a nice leather collar and leash to match when I get his
>>>>> leather guide harness, but, well... I guess the leash will be very nice
>>>>> and classy until the first chance he has to get his teeth on it.
>>>>> Tami
>>>>> On 05/15/2016 04:10 AM, Caitlyn Furness via NAGDU wrote:
>>>>>> Just another vote for the double collar method here.. Maggie wears a
>>>>>> leather martingale with her tags on it around the house and to go
>>>>>> outside for potty breaks. For work, she wears a prong collar, which
>>>>>> doesnв?Tt interfere with the martingale at all. I also have a tag
>>>>>> silencer on her tags so they donв?Tt make noise. Tag noise drives me
>>>>>> crazy!
>>>>>> Cait
>>>>>>> On May 14, 2016, at 1:07 PM, Jody Ianuzzi via NAGDU
>>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I do the same thing. Walker's tags are on a nylon collar with his
>>>>>>> name on it. His training collar is on his leash which I slip over
>>>>>>> his head when we go for a walk. That way he has his tags on him
>>>>>>> all the time. And I don't have to worry about the training collar
>>>>>>> getting caught on anything
>>>>>>> JODY рYђє
>>>>>>> thunderwalker321 at gmail.com
>>>>>>> "There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish
>>>>>>> sometimes." DOCTOR WHO (Tom Baker)
>>>>>>>> On May 14, 2016, at 12:03 PM, Sonja O via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Would you consider a light and thin tag collar?
>>>>>>>> My boy chief has a nice leather one and it carries his tag. The
>>>>>>>> leash and collar I'm using are separate.
>>>>>>>> The benefit is that whenever I take the collar off, the tag collar
>>>>>>>> just stays on.
>>>>>>>> Ella's Lead (Facebook and webpage) has really cute ones and you can
>>>>>>>> pick the width.
>>>>>>>> The one I have is from Paco Collars and less than half and inch.
>>>>>>>> I love it :)
>>>>>>>> Hope that helps, sonja and chief
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>> On May 14, 2016, at 8:20 AM, Emily K. Michael via NAGDU
>>>>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Good morning, guide dog users!
>>>>>>>>> I have a question about tags and collars. My pup wears a training
>>>>>>>>> collar (choke chain) and his ID tag and rabies tag are on a keyring
>>>>>>>>> attached to the dead ring of the collar. However, it seems that
>>>>>>>>> every so often, the keyring starts to separate and then it gets
>>>>>>>>> caught up in the training collarв?Ts links, which speeds up the
>>>>>>>>> pulling apart of the keyring. Is there a better way to attach the
>>>>>>>>> ID tags to a training collar? A more durable keyring perhaps? Or is
>>>>>>>>> this just one of the drawbacks of the keyring mechanism?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Emily, with York
>>>>>>>>> в?"
>>>>>>>>> Emily K. Michael
>>>>>>>>> emily.k.michael at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> http://areyouseeingthis.wordpress.com/
>>>>>>>>> www.facebook.com/authoremilykmichael/
>>>>>>>>> "What poetry is made of is so old, so familiar, that itв?Ts easy to
>>>>>>>>> forget that itв?Ts not just the words, but polyrhythmic sounds,
>>>>>>>>> speech in its first endeavors (every poem breaks a silence that had
>>>>>>>>> to be overcome), prismatic meanings lit by each othersв?T light,
>>>>>>>>> stained by each othersв?T shadows. In the wash of poetry the old,
>>>>>>>>> beaten, worn stones of language take on colors that disappear when
>>>>>>>>> you sieve them up out of the streambed and try to sort them out.в?ќ
>>>>>>>>> -Adrienne Rich, в?oSomeone is Writing a Poemв?ќ (1993)
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