[NAGDU] A few questions about leaderdog commands?
Marianne Denning
marianne at denningweb.com
Fri May 20 12:52:01 UTC 2016
Congratulations on your decision to get a dog guide. I have my 5th dog
from Leader. There are commands and suggestions. A command means the dog
is expected to do what you tell it to do. Suggestions are requests that
the dog do something. Our dogs are trained to disobey if a suggestion
would be dangerous or not possible. I have given my dog a "forward"
suggestion and the dog looked at me like I must be absolutely crazy. I
inspected why the dog disobeyed my command to find something blocking our
path. I followed that up with an "around" command and the dog found a path
around the obstacle. These kinds of things are where I find a dog to be
great. My dogs also just guide me around a lot of things without me
knowing it. When we go downtown there are lots of obstacles on the
sidewalks and my dogs just walk right through them. I don't want to know
they are there.
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 12:52 AM, John Sanders via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Hi,
> I'm also in the application process of getting a leader dog.
> The only thing I need to do is to have a person video me walking my routes.
> I hope to hear from you soon.
> Sincerely,
> John Sanders
> On 5/19/2016 3:32 PM, S L Johnson via NAGDU wrote:
>> Jessica:
>> I am glad to hear you have made the big decision to apply for a guide dog.
>> Although it is a big responsibility, it will also be very rewarding. It
>> will change the way you think about traveling as a blind person. You will
>> always have a loving companion with you but, remember you just can't put
>> it
>> into the closet and forget it once you get home. Your new dog will need
>> your attention 24 hours a day 7 days a week. After 41 years of using a
>> guide dog, I can tell you, I wouldn't have it any other way. Guide dogs
>> are
>> amazing!
>> Those commands are just what those words mean. Stay means you want the
>> dog
>> to stay where it is and come means you want the dog to come to you. There
>> are several other commands you will learn that are used in your work with
>> your dog such as right, left, etc... I am not going to list them here
>> because every school is different and I do not want to give you incorrect
>> information. Some schools have you say your dog's name before each
>> command
>> and others do not. Some schools have you instruct your dog to find a
>> seat,
>> stairs, door, inside, outside etc... and other schools do not. So as
>> you
>> can see, there will be a lot for you to learn as you train with your own
>> dog and work with his/her trainer. Leader Dogs will give you all this
>> information during daily training sessions as well as evening lectures.
>> As you are in the application process there are other things you should be
>> thinking about. Do you want a particular breed, male or female? Do you
>> want a dog that walks very fast or one that has a slower pace? What kind
>> of
>> work will your dog be doing, country, city, taking bus, train? Do you go
>> to
>> school or work? Do you have children? Do you have other pets in the hoe?
>> Do you have any medical conditions or physical problems that should be
>> considered? These are all things the school will take into consideration
>> as
>> they find a match for you. Do not hesitate to be completely honest. The
>> more information the school has about you, the better they can plan for
>> your
>> training and find the right dog for you.
>> Sandra and Eva
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jessica Dail via NAGDU
>> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 12:55 PM
>> To: NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> Cc: Jessica Dail
>> Subject: [NAGDU] A few questions about leaderdog commands?
>> Hi
>> I'm applying for training to receive my first leader dog.
>> I have a few questions about some commands. The commands are: Stay
>> come
>> Can anyone please provide me with information on what these commands mean?
>> Thanks
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> --
> KD*RUa Okemos, MI
> 5173883785
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Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053
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