[NAGDU] FW: Your Local Airport Now Comes With a Mini Hydrant for Fido
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Wed Oct 26 02:49:16 UTC 2016
I know when I came home with my dog we didn't get a chance to get out
at all. The plane landed and lifted again to get to Montana.
Glad they have this fixed.
Now I hope folks will keep the dogs on leash or this won't be a good
thing at all.
I also like the idea that you don't have to go threw security.
Now I hope if you need assistance you can get to the area with help.
Just thinking out loud.
I hope when I travel with her again the second time at the air port she
won't be so friendly.
Getting out of hand oh me drives me crazy.
Original message:
> To:
> Subject: [Your Local Airport Now Comes With a Mini Hydrant for Fido
> Your Local Airport Now Comes With a Mini Hydrant for Fido
> October 23, 2016
> http://www.nbcnews.com/business/travel/your-local-airport-now-comes-mini-hydrant-fido-n670586
> Between true service animals, "emotional support" pups, pets, K-9 teams
> and the trend of having therapy dogs stop by to interact with jittery
> travelers,
> airports are becoming quite canine-centric.
> But working or just traveling, at some point all those dogs need to,
> you know, "go."
> For years, the only option has been to take a pooch outside the airport
> to a designated pet relief area, then deal with the hassles of going
> back through security screening.
> At Denver International Airport, post-security pet potties have murals
> featuring dogs at play. Photo: Courtesy Denver International Airport
> But thanks to a Department of Transportation ruling aimed at making
> relief areas more accessible for passengers traveling with service
> animals, U.S. airports serving over 10,000 passengers annually must now
> offer at least one pet relief area in the sterile, or post-security,
> area of each terminal.
> Since many airports have more than one terminal, that means over 800
> post-security animal relief areas nationwide, at a cost of what the
> agency estimates will be about $88 million over 20 years.
> A handful of airports, included San Diego, Washington-Dulles, Seattle,
> and Minneapolis-St. Paul had at least one post-security animal area
> even before the DOT's summer deadline.
> But now, one by one, airports in the rest of country are rolling out
> their post-security pet potties and promoting their pet-friendly assets.
> In early October, for example, Lambert-St. Louis airport in Missouri
> debuted wheelchair-accessible, fake fire hydrant-equipped indoor
> Service Animal Relief Areas (SARA) in each of the airport's concourses.
> "This is another step in improving the travel experience for all of our
> passengers, especially those who rely on service animals to travel,"
> said Lambert Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge. "Now those passengers
> with long layovers or connecting flights can more easily accommodate
> their animals with these new facilities without the hassle of going
> back through a security checkpoint."
> On August 5, National Work Like a Dog Day, Los Angeles International
> Airport added 7 indoor pet relief stations to the one post-security pet
> station it already had.
> "We're committed to providing airport guests - whether two-legged or
> four-legged - with an exceptional travel experience." said Deborah
> Flint, chief executive officer of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA).
> Flint noted that the new relief station for animals are not only
> convenient for passengers traveling with pets or service animals, but
> also serve the therapy-dog teams that visit the airport and the many
> K-9 teams that work with airport police departments, the Transportation
> Security Admnistration, U.S. Customs
> and Border Protection, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S
> Drug Enforcement Agency.
> And earlier this month, Denver International Airport unveiled three pet
> relief areas in the post-security areas of the airport, in the centers
> of concourses A, B and C.
> "We know that many of our passengers travel with their service animals
> or their beloved pets," airport CEO Kim Day said. "Opening these relief
> rooms on the concourses will provide those furry companions with a
> comfortable and welcoming area to take care of business before or after
> a flight."
> At DEN, the pet relief areas have artificial turf flooring, a drainage
> system, an artificial rock and bags and disposal containers for clean-ups.
> Each pet relief area also features a wall mural showcasing dogs
> enjoying Colorado's great outdoors, so pups and people have something
> to look at indoors while the pup does what it needs to do.
> --
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