[NAGDU] FW: California Assembly Bill 1705 - Board Sunsetting Process

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Tue Apr 25 15:52:27 UTC 2017

As an alumna of GDB, I received the below email.  I am glad to see that the
California guide dog board is going out of business, and that GDB supports
those efforts.




From: Theresa Stern [mailto:tstern at guidedogs.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 6:28 PM
Subject: California Assembly Bill 1705 - Board Sunsetting Process


Dear GDB Alumni,


I want to make you aware of the attached letter that GDB has sent to
Sacramento in opposition to Assembly Bill 1705. AB 1705 would extend the
sunsetting of the State Guide Dogs for the Blind Board another 4 years to
2022. There has been significant opposition by our clients, the California
Council for the Blind and the National Federation of the Blind of California
to extending the term of the State Board for another 4 years.


>From GDB's perspective, we are choosing to support our constituents. In
addition, GDB agrees with our constituents' position and no longer sees the
value in the State Board for the following reasons:


-          GDB is IGDF-certified and holds itself accountable to the
International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) standards which exceed those of
the State Board


-          The other two schools within California are also IGDF certified


-    California recently passed a law (SB 1331) which negates jurisdiction
of the State Board over non-California based guide dog schools who can now
come into California to conduct client follow up if they are IGDF-certified
without having to register with the Board, obtain a license to train or pay
the annual licensing fees to the Board


-    The reach of the Board is not to all consumers in the state of
California, but rather only to those who have graduated from a California
school.  It is GDB's belief that this places a limited choice on guide dog
handlers - if they want the protection afforded to them by the Board, they
must choose a California school.  We do not believe that consumers should
have their choice limited by the very body whose function is to protect.


-    The State Board places an undue burden on California-based guide dog
schools over out-of-state guide dog schools who can operate within the state
without regulation or the payment of substantial annual licensing fees 


This will be a long process, and we may not be successful.  That said, we
firmly believe now is the time to listen to and support our constituents who
do not want or feel they need the protection of the Board.  


Attached you will find a letter from Christine Benninger, CEO and President
which has been sent to the California Legislature.  Tomorrow Kristin Lucas,
VP Training Operations, and I will be in Sacramento and will have the
opportunity to speak for a short period in front of the Business and
Professions Committee of the Assembly.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Best regards -





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Guide Dogs for the Blind 

Theresa Stern  |  Vice President - Outreach, Admissions and Alumni Services

tstern at guidedogs.com |   415.492.4171
350 Los Ranchitos Road, San Rafael, CA 94903 
 <http://www.guidedogs.com/> GuideDogs.com 



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