[NAGDU] Greetings From Ricky Joe & Darcy

Tami Jarvis tami at poodlemutt.com
Sat Apr 29 20:10:49 UTC 2017

Ricky Jo,

That's interesting. Sounds fun, too.

I'm thinking the pop up crate suggestion is a good one, if you can put 
it in a place where inattentive fools won't run into it and such. It 
will also protect your dog somewhat from interference while you are 

A hands free leash is another good idea. That's just a leash designed to 
clip around your waist or shoulders so the dog is connected while 
leaving your hands free. Most have a smaller adjustment so that you 
could put it around your ankle. If you don't move around too much while 
you're standing there and if the dog is close enough nobody would trip 
over it, that might work with a calm quiet dog like yours.

I'm thinking of all the kids and grocery carts and distracted people. 
Arranging things with Julie's approach in mind would be a really good 
idea. If a random disaster can happen, it probably will, so try to 
prevent it ahead of time when you place your dog. For instance, picture 
what she will do if a shopping cart is bearing down on her while the 
person pushing it looks elsewhere. And so on. Of course, I have a talent 
for finding random disasters, so I make myself crazy thinking about 
these things. /lol/

Good luck, and let us know how you handle it and how it all works out.


On 04/29/2017 12:04 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU wrote:
> Hi all, let me explain a little more what I do. II stand at a table and I and my sighted assistant cook an item that we’ll be sampling with what ever brand of wine we’ll be sampling with it at the table. My sighted assistant does most of the things for me and I chat up the customers. I am working in a grocery store. For example, the upcoming 10 stores will be at our chain of( Kroger) if you are familiar with them. Ours is called Fred Meyers. Anyway, what I am saying is I’ll be working in a grocery store.
> This demo we are making bite size sliders and sampling Beringer Founders Estate Cabernet.
> Darcy is a very well behaved dog and can lay very still for the duration of the demo which is three hours.
> I could leave her home but I generally use her to get to my car to meet my assistant who drives us to the different locations.
> Does any of this help explain what I am doing any better?
> Ricky Joe & Darcy
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