[NAGDU] FYI FW: GDB - Update on AB 1705

Ann Edie Annedie at nycap.rr.com
Sat Aug 12 08:21:26 UTC 2017

Hi, Michael, (and Theresa), and list members,

The letter below would seem to indicate that only guide dogs trained by
IGDF-certified instructors who work for IGDF-certified schools would be
recognized as legitimate by the State of California under the proposed law.
Does this mean that blind individuals who choose to train their own guide
dogs or who choose to have a dog privately trained for them by someone who
is not working for an IGDF-certified program would not enjoy the same
rights, protections,  and privileges as other guide dog handlers in
California? Also, isn't it correct that some of the long-established guide
dog training programs in other states are not certified by IGDF, but they
seem to provide acceptable working dogs and produce safe teams? And don't
small, new schools have to be up and running for several years before they
can qualify for IGDF certification? Would this law, as written, essentially
preclude the establishment of any new guide dog programs in California, as
well as precluding private individuals from training and placing trained
guide dogs in the state of California? If so, I'm glad my state does not
protect me as California "protects" its citizens who are blind. The passage
that I have concerns about is exerpted below:

"After several meetings with constituents and various legislators,
Assemblyman Evan Low, has amended AB 1705... to adopt protections to ensure
proficiency and competence by persons who provide instruction and training
to persons who use guide dogs.  Protections include requiring anyone working
as an instructor in the area of guide dog handler training to be employed by
a school certified by the IGDF."

Thank you for this information and discussion.

Ann Edie, NY State

-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Michael Hingson
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 9:47 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Cc: Michael Hingson
Subject: [NAGDU] FYI FW: GDB - Update on AB 1705

From: Theresa Stern [mailto:tstern at guidedogs.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 10:43 AM
Subject: GDB - Update on AB 1705


Dear California GDB Alumni,

In April of this year I sent you an email regarding GDB's position on
Assembly Bill 1705.  I would like to update you on our progress.  


As you may recall GDB chose to support our constituents, as well as the
California Council of the Blind, the National Federation of the Blind of
California along with other relevant parties who are seeking the sunsetting
of the California State Board of Guide Dogs.  GDB agrees with our
constituents' position and no longer sees the need for the State Board for
the following reasons:


*	GDB is IGDF-certified and holds itself accountable to the
International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) standards which regulates all
aspects of the operations of guide dog programs.


*	The other two schools within California are also IGDF certified


-    California recently passed a law (SB 1331) which negates jurisdiction
of the State Board over non-California based guide dog schools who can now
come into California to conduct client follow up if they are IGDF-certified
without having to register with the Board, obtain a license to train or pay
the annual licensing fees to the Board


*	The Board does not afford California consumers any additional
protections over those already afforded by the law.


-    The State Board places an undue burden on California-based guide dog
schools over out-of-state guide dog schools who can operate within the state
without regulation or the payment of substantial annual licensing fees 


Now, for the exciting update!  After several meetings with constituents and
various legislators, Assemblyman Evan Low, has amended AB 1705 to confirm
the sunsetting of the board as of Jan. 1, 2018 by repealing provisions
relating to the board, and adopt protections to ensure proficiency and
competence by persons who provide instruction and training to persons who
use guide dogs.  Protections include requiring anyone working as an
instructor in the area of guide dog handler training to be employed by a
school certified by the IGDF. The amended bill has successfully passed
through the Business and Professions Committee and will next go to the
Senate Appropriations Committee.  


We want to thank each and every one of you for letting your voice be heard,
the legislators have remarked on how powerful your voices have been in
shaping this bill.  


Below you will find a link to an Op-Ed appearing in the Sacramento Bee
co-drafted by GDB, CCB, NFBC, and others stating our position and thanking
Assemblyman Lowe for taking the time to listen to his constituency and make
these important changes to his bill that will be of great benefit to the
blind community.  


Should you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


Best regards,

Theresa Stern



Abolish California Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind 


The Sacramento Bee August 8, 2017


By Judy Wilkinson


August 08, 2017 


People who are blind or have low vision have been using guide dogs to travel
independently for a century.


Guide dogs provide companionship and help enhance individuals' confidence.
Thanks to their partnership with exceptional guide dogs, thousands of people
have been able to more fully participate in society and lead richer lives.


Dogs and their handlers receive training from schools in California and
throughout the nation. The International Guide Dog Federation certifies the
schools as meeting criteria for the staff, instruction for people with
vision disabilities, and breeding and selection of guide dogs.


In California, however, guide dog instructors must be licensed by the Board
of Guide Dogs for the Blind. This extra step is an unnecessary hurdle. No
other state has such a board. The International Guide Dog Federation
certifies guide dog instructors' competency and experience to ensure they
are qualified to create safe and successful working guide dog teams.


California already recognizes International Guide Dog Federation as setting
the standard for out-of-state guide dog schools. It makes sense that
federation standards be recognized as the criteria for California-based
guide dog schools as well.


California's guide dog board was created to ensure that there would not be
substandard guide dog schools. But the International Guide Dog Federation
ably serve this purpose.


Assembly Bill 1705 by Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, would close down the
board in 2018. His bill is supported by several organizations including the
California Association of Guide Dog Users, the California Council of the
Blind, Golden State Guide Dog Handlers Inc., Guide Dogs for the Blind,
Lighthouse for the Blind and the Sacramento Society for the Blind.


The board's sunset would save money for taxpayers and guide dog schools,
which currently subsidize a large portion of the board's expenses, cut
redundant requirements and red tape, while maintaining important protections
for our community. The Legislature should join with us and many graduates of
guide dog schools in supporting this measure.


Judy Wilkinson is president of the California Council of the Blind,
<mailto:judy.wilkinson at ccbnet.org> judy.wilkinson at ccbnet.org.



Guide Dogs for the Blind 

Theresa Stern  |  Vice President - Outreach, Admissions and Alumni Services

tstern at guidedogs.com <mailto:tstern at guidedogs.com>  |   415.492.4171
350 Los Ranchitos Road, San Rafael, CA 94903  <http://www.guidedogs.com/>



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