[NAGDU] Special needs
S L Johnson
SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
Tue Aug 22 02:28:42 UTC 2017
I went through the same thing three years ago when it came time to retire my
golden Tara. I have degenerative joint disease and multiple sclerosis which
causes weakness and balance problems. I use a support cane in my right
hand. I need a dog that walks slow without pulling too hard and that is
easy to control. I also had the problem of not being able to walk the speed
or long distances that most of the schools require during training. I
applied to all the guide dog schools. I found many of them unwilling to
consider my application. They felt that someone with my medical problems
and physical limitations could not be successful with a guide dog. First
this is ridiculous because I have been doing it for the past forty years
since my MS diagnosis at age 21 just before going to class with my first
dog. I began to be discouraged when I received one rejection letter after
another. Finally there was one school left and fortunately they were happy
to accept my application. I graduated from Pilot Dogs with Eva, a small
female golden on April 24th 2014. Eva was only 14 months old when I brought
her home but she was and still is an amazing guide. The only special
training she had was her trainer worked with her to get used to the cane and
to go down stairs pausing at each step to be sure I would not lose my
balance before we moved down to the next step. This wonderful little golden
is the perfect dog for me. She had an amazing ability to sence my needs
right from our first walk together. If it was a good day for me she would
step out at a nice pace without any sudden jerks or pulls that would cause
me to lose my balance. If it was a bad day she slowed down to a very
careful slower pace. She seems to anticipate when I am going to lose my
balance and she will lean against my legs helping me not to fall. With the
support cane in my right hand and her harness handle in my left hand I have
support on both sides as I walk. She is very careful on any uneven surface
that might cause me to trip. I often have MS relapses where I cannot get
out and work her for several weeks or months. It does not matter. When I
am well enough to go out again her work is still as excellent as it was on
class. There goes the statement that all the schools tell us that the dogs
must be taken for long walks every day. There were two other ladies who had
to use support canes on my class. I found the trainers at Pilot Dogs very
willing and able to accommodate my special needs. Please feel free to
contact me off list if you have any further questions about my school search
and training. Good luck to you as you begin the search for your next guide
Sandra Johnson and Eva
SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Cole via NAGDU
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 7:15 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: Debbie Cole
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Special needs
Thank you Danielle.
I really appreciate it.
I've contacted one program today and am waiting for them to return my call.
On 8/21/17, Danielle Sykora via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> There are several programs that will cross train a guide dog to
> perform mobility tasks. Guiding Eyes and the Guide Dog Foundation do,
> and at least one other program... maybe Leader. There are other
> programs however that are perfectly willing to train a guide for a
> person with multiple disabilities; however, they do not actually train
> dogs to perform additional tasks (bracing, retrieval, etc.) Depending
> on what you are looking for, this is something to consider.
> You could also get a guide from a program that does not teach mobility
> tasks and teach them yourself once your dog gets home, provided that
> the dog is big enough.
> Danielle and Thai
> On 8/21/17, Debbie Cole via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Thank you Jeff
>> I'm getting ready to call them as soon as they open.
>> Have a good day
>> On 8/20/17, Jeffrey Young via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Your closest option sounds like Guide Dogs for the Blind in Boring
>>> Oregon..
>>> I do not know if they do any work with balance assistance. I would give
>>> them
>>> a call to find out.
>>> Jeff Young
>>> jeff.young8806 at gmail.com
>>>> On Aug 20, 2017, at 7:32 PM, Debbie Cole via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Guide Dogs of the Desert in Palm Springs. I'm in Oregon and
>>>> interested in staying closer to home.
>>>>> On 8/20/17, Sandra Burmester via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Debbie,
>>>>> May I ask what school did you get you guide from? It depends on the
>>>>> school
>>>>> that you get a guide from.
>>>>> Sandra
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 4:59 PM, Debbie Cole via NAGDU
>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I hope I'm sending this to the right place.
>>>>>> I have a guide dog and it is getting close to the time where I will
>>>>>> retire her. I am looking into places where I might train for a guide
>>>>>> dog and a dog to assist me with BALANCE. Are there any schools out
>>>>>> there that I might try?
>>>>>> thank you,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> warmest regards,
>>>>>> Deborah A. Cole
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>>>> --
>>>> warmest regards,
>>>> Deborah A. Cole
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>> --
>> warmest regards,
>> Deborah A. Cole
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warmest regards,
Deborah A. Cole
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NAGDU at nfbnet.org
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