[NAGDU] Travel in Europe

Bianka bianka at andi-bika.de
Wed Feb 15 08:43:07 UTC 2017

Hi Peter and list, 

As far as i know there is no EU-wide certification for guide and service dogs other than the requirements for pets. Depending on the countries you are travelling to there might be certifications in place like for example in austria. However, I am not sure how this would play out for foreign visitors with guide or service dogs. 

The guide dog schools or organisations for the blind in the respective countries can certainly tell you more. 

Some legal looking document in the local language stating that your dogs are guide dogs or service dogs might be a good idea. Also, be prepared for access issues, especially in publicplaces. If you could tell us which countries you are going to visit you might get more specific tips. 

Thanks and kind regards,


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