[NAGDU] Treats VS. clicker training

David david at bakerinet.com
Tue Jun 20 16:13:01 UTC 2017

Miranda, I use clicker, verbal, treat, and finger snap.  I find all of 
them effective with Claire Rose.  If it is a completely new behavior, I 
have used the clicker.  It seemed to be a faster way to identify the 
exact behavior I was looking for.  After that, I have sort of mixed the 
reinforcements without using the clicker. I have probably used the 
clicker four times for training since we left GDF two years ago.  Of 
course, Claire is an incredibly fast learner and I have to be careful 
that I do not reinforce behaviors that I don't want.  So, her learning 
new stuff hasn't been much of an issue.

I'm glad she had the clicker training background, though.

I feel that you can overthink some of these things.  The clicker versus 
treat-only issue is mainly relevant for the trainer.  By the time the 
pup gets to you, its training method is not going to be a big issue for 
you - you can always add whatever you find works best for you and your 
guide dog later.  There are lots of good training guides for clicker 
training.  My biggest problem was choosing between the 26 day program of 
Leader Dog and the 12 day program of GDF, as I was offered a pup from 
each program within a 2 day period.  I opted for having one trainer for 
two handlers at GDF, rather than one trainer for five handlers at 
Leader.  While the 12 day training was intense for this old gaffer, 
sitting around twiddling my thumbs for two hours out of every two and a 
half hour training session would driven me batty.

Good luck with your research.  You'll get a great pup whichever school 
you choose.

*David and Claire Rose in Clearwater, FL*
*david at bakerinet.com

On 6/20/2017 11:31 AM, Miranda B. via NAGDU wrote:
> Hi Julie and all,
> I am considering The Seeing Eye and Freedom Dogs. It is my understanding
> (please do correct me if I am wrong) that The Seeing Eye uses clicker
> training, and that Freedom Dogs uses treats and no clickers.
> Thanks again to everyone for your continued patience in answering my many
> questions, and have a wonderful week!
> Best wishes, Miranda

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