[NAGDU] Hello, and Uber Letdown

L Gwizdak leg1950 at cox.net
Thu Mar 9 22:06:54 UTC 2017

Oh yes, Michael, we make sure to inform the driver that we are blind and the 
dog is a guide dog trained for guiding the blind.  Thanks.

Lyn and Aristotle
"Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is like 
asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Hingson" <mike at michaelhingson.com>
To: "'L Gwizdak'" <leg1950 at cox.net>; "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National 
Association of Guide Dog Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "'Timothy Elder'" <telder at trelegal.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: [NAGDU] Hello, and Uber Letdown

> Hi Lyn,
> Good question. The important thing to know is that if you are going to 
> file
> a complaint it is important to make certain that when a driver tells you
> that he or she is not going to transport you because of your dog that you
> specifically inform the driver that the dog is a guide dog and that you 
> are
> blind. Essentially you use the same logic that we use in any ADA 
> situation.
> "I am blind, this is a guide dog and the dog is trained to guide me and
> therefore my guide dog is to be transported under the law." If the driver
> refuses then by all means file a complaint, BUT also immediately contact 
> Tim
> Elder. DO NOT WAIT. Any Uber driver who knowingly denies you a ride when 
> you
> are accompanied by a guide dog is supposed to be dismissed immediately 
> under
> the terms of our settlement with Uber.
> According to the settlement ALL Uber drivers are to have been required to 
> go
> through specific service animal training and they should by now have been
> required to acknowledge the training by agreeing that they WILL transport
> any blind person with a guide dog. If they do not agree then they are to 
> be
> summarily terminated. EVERY driver MUST agree to transport guide dogs or
> they cannot drive for Uber. Again, if a driver thus denies a ride to a 
> blind
> person with a guide dog where the passenger specifically informs the 
> driver
> refusing a ride that the passenger is blind and that the dog is a guide 
> dog
> then Uber is required to dismiss that driver with NO second chance.
> Lyn, this is a long answer, but I want everyone to make certain that they
> know the rules. Again, email Tim immediately and also file the appropriate
> complaint. Tim and the NFB evaluators will address the issue.
> Best Regards,
> Michael Hingson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L Gwizdak [mailto:leg1950 at cox.net]
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 1:13 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Michael Hingson <mike at michaelhingson.com>; 'Timothy Elder'
> <telder at trelegal.com>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Hello, and Uber Letdown
> Hi Michael,
> First, it was nice to meet you at the CSUN restaurant NFB gathering last
> Tues. in San Diego!
> I see in your post that UBER drivers can get terminated for denying a 
> guide
> dog.  I don't use UBER myself but have ridden it with Lisa I, our Chapter
> president.  I got to experience a denial on Christmas Eve when we were 
> going
> to a church service.  Lisa sent an email to some UBER ADA person in 
> Chicago
> and she emailed Tim Elder.  She did these emails after calling UBER to say
> we were denied a ride and we needed another driver.  Meanwhile, we were
> outside stuck in the rain.
> What I need to know is do we still do the steps we took before emailing 
> Tim
> Elder?  As for the driver getting canned, I have no idea.  Is UBER 
> supposed
> to tell us if the driver got canned or is it good enough to be told that 
> the
> issue has been taken care of.  I'm like, what does that mean???
> So, if you can clarify this for me, I'd appreciate it.
> Lyn and Aristotle
> "Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is like
> asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Hingson via NAGDU" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: "Michael Hingson" <mike at michaelhingson.com>; "'Timothy Elder'"
> <telder at trelegal.com>
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 12:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Hello, and Uber Letdown
>> Ed et al,
>> Under the terms of the class action settlement the driver totally
>> violated the new Uber requirements. The key is that the driver was
>> specifically told that the animal was a guide dog. The driver cannot
>> use the excuse that he did not know.
>> Under the terms of the settlement the driver's actions are grounds for
>> IMMEDIATE DISMESSAL. Uber's response was wrong and inappropriate.
>> I am copying Tim Elder on this email. Tim was the lead counsel on the
>> Uber case. I just spoke with him about this and confirmed what I
>> stated above before responding. If ANYONE encounters guide dog issues
>> with Uber they should IMMEDIATELY notify Tim at Timothy Elder
> telder at trelegal.com.
>> Best Regards,
>> Michael Hingson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ed Rizzuto
>> via NAGDU
>> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 10:56 AM
>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>> Cc: Ed Rizzuto <edrizzutolaw at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [NAGDU] Hello, and Uber Letdown
>> Hi folks,
>> I'm new to this list, and a new guide dog user.  I returned home from
>> training two weeks ago with my German Shepherd and it's going well,
>> for the most part. I live in Durham, North Carolina.
>> I'm pretty sure the following situation is not a first. I'd appreciate
>> any help in how to proceed.
>> I use Uber on an almost daily basis.  Last Thursday, I requested a
>> ride to my daughter's school, I confirmed the ride, it was picked up
>> by a driver, I waited 17 minutes, the driver arrived and pulled into
>> my driveway.  I approached the car with my dog in harness.  The driver
>> stated through the passenger side window: "I'm not taking the dog."  I
>> explainted that I am blind and that the dog is my guide dog. I
>> explained the law and  explained Uber's policy. The driver just kept
>> repeating, "I don't care, the dog can't ride in my car."  He locked
>> the rear passenger door. He backed out of my driveway and drove off.
>> I filled out the'service dog issue' report template on the Uber app
>> and a support rep called me several days later.  The rep advised that
>> Uber takes these matters seriously, that the driver would be
>> re-notified of his obligations and that the driver would have to
>> re-affirm his understanding of the law and Uber's policy, and that he
>> must allow service dogs to ride.
>> The
>> support rep advised that the driver may face permanent termination
>> from the Uber program if he committed another violation.
>> In my view, Uber's response and policy amounts to an
>> 'at-least-one-free-pass' anti discrimination policy with no
>> consequences to the driver and no compensation for the aggrieved guide
>> dog user.  Uber's software does not even allow me an opportunity to
>> rate this driver as I was not charged.  The driver will undoubtedly
>> never pick up a ride request from me or from my home address again.
>> He simply gets away with this and the Uber pool of drivers available
>> to me is down by 1.
>> My question to the group members is.. To the extent you've experienced
>> similar discrimination, have you had any more of a positive outcome?
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
>> Edward Rizzuto
>> (530) 570-7000
>> edrizzutolaw at gmail.com
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