[NAGDU] European Guide Dogs Federation petition

Lisa dreamymarmot93 at yahoo.de
Tue Mar 21 14:38:17 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

yes, I  know this is an American list. But I thought maybe there are 
people on here who are interested in guide dogs in Europe and would like 
to support the EGDF's project. So, here's an e-mail from the European 
Guide Dog Federation asking for help:

European Guide Dog Federation newsletter
European Guide Dog Federation News
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** Sign Our European Parliament Petition for Better Laws for 
Guide/Assistance Dogs
Just 5 minutes will make a difference


We have been surprised and dismayed to see that people working in the 
European Parliament and the European Commission have no idea of the 
constant problems
faced by disabled people with assistance dogs.
In Brussels, where European laws are made, taxi drivers often refuse to 
take a guide dog and sometimes the police support the taxi driver rather 
than the
disabled person.  Hotels try to charge extra for an assistance dog; 
restaurants refuse service to a guide dog owner.  And it can be much 
worse in countries
that do not have a culture of accepting dogs or where guide dogs are 
extremely rare.

Eurocrats seem to believe that when the United Nations Convention on the 
Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified, the problem was 
solved.  But
we know that every day in every country assistance dog owners are 
inconvenienced and even humiliated by being refused goods and services 
by people who
do not know or do not apply the convention.

By signing our petition you support the need for a European law to 
guarantee that assistance dog users have full access rights to all 
public areas and

Please note that you do not have to be European to sign the petition; it 
asks for your nationality and every nationality in the world is included 
in the
drop-down list.  We would be grateful if you take the time to support 
this petition wherever you are in the world.

How to sign the petition:
1. Follow thislink: (
  ) and complete the form.
2. You will be sent an email saying that the account is created; click 
on the link to log in.
3.  Click on "Support a petition".
4.  Search on our petition number "1140/2015".  A summary of the 
petition is at the bottom of the screen.
5.  Click on "View" and then  "Support" and the job is done.

Today there are 201 signatures.  If each of you signs it, we can see the 
number climb to over 1000, which would make it one of the 
fastest-growing petitions
in the European Parliament.  If you spread the word in your organisation 
and every guide dog trainer and user in Europe makes the effort to sign, 
we could
achieve an amazing 15,000 signatures.

Why not do it now and watch the number grow?

Thank you very much

Executive Director
European Guide Dog Federation

Copyright © 2017 European Guide Dog Federation, All rights reserved.

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lisa.93 at gmx.de
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European Guide Dog Federation . Marston Grange . Shuckburgh Road . 
Priors Marston, Warwickshire CV47 7RS . United Kingdom

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