[NAGDU] NAGDU Digest, Vol 146, Issue 10
Peter Wolf
pwolf1 at wolfskills.com
Wed May 10 19:16:43 UTC 2017
A pool area is like any other terrain. It’s about training. Metuka settles in when I swim. I just clip her leash to a chair or object, put a towel down for her, and down she goes. Enjoy yourself!
On May 10, 2017, at 5:00 AM, nagdu-request at nfbnet.org wrote:
> Send NAGDU mailing list submissions to
> nagdu at nfbnet.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> nagdu-request at nfbnet.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> nagdu-owner at nfbnet.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of NAGDU digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Have a question (NAGDU President)
> 2. Re: Have a question (Cindy Ray)
> 3. Re: Have a question (Danielle Sykora)
> 4. Re: Have a question (David)
> 5. Re: Have a question (Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU)
> 6. Re: Have a question (Gary Steeves)
> 7. Re: Have a question (Jordan Gallacher)
> 8. Re: Have a question (Aleeha Dudley)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 08:55:35 -0400
> From: "NAGDU President" <blind411 at verizon.net>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <000001d2c8c3$8d8b9a00$a8a2ce00$@verizon.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Ricky,
> You ask a very good question. According to the Americans with
> Disabilities Act, the pool is a place of public accommodation. Covered
> entities must modify their policies, practices, and procedures to allow
> individuals accompanied by service animals the same access as others. This
> means that, even though there may be a "No Petss" policy, they are required
> by law to modify this policy so as to provide you the same access. Since the
> modification of policies, practices, and procedures are required by law and
> they cannot refuse or limit your access, there is no need to give any sort
> of advance notice. You are not required to ask permission, or provide any
> sort of documentation that your dog is a service dog. Your dog is not
> allowed to go into the pool, though, as health department regulations
> prohibit this and the implementing regulations of the ADA would likely
> consider this a direct threat.
> Individuals differ on whether or not it is wise to take your dog to
> a pool area. Since it is your choice, I would say that, as long as your dog
> is comfortable, has shade, if needed, go ahead and take it. I have taken my
> dog to pools - both public and complex areas - and they have always been
> okay. Please let us know how your pup fares!
> Marion Gwizdala, President
> National Association of Guide Dog Users Inc. (NAGDU)
> National Federation of the Blind
> (813) 626-2789
> President at NAGDU.ORG
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
> characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
> expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people
> and our dreams. You can live the life you want! Blindness is not what holds
> you back.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ricky Joe Cook
> via NAGDU
> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017 10:13 PM
> To: the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: rickyjoecook at comcast.net
> Subject: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 +
> community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can
> bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They
> ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would of
> course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or is
> it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community
> administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
> Thanks,
> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
> _______________________________________________
> NAGDU mailing list
> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for NAGDU:
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/blind411%40verizon.net
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 07:59:17 -0500
> From: "Cindy Ray" <cindyray at gmail.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <002001d2c8c4$11a9eda0$34fdc8e0$@gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> My biggest concern taking the dog to the pool was people feeding it, and one
> dog I had took issue with me being in the pool. I think currently I wouldn't
> do it anymore, though I might under certain circumstances.
> Cindy Lou Ray
> cindyray at gmail.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> via NAGDU
> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017 10:41 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Raul A. Gallegos <raul at raulgallegos.com>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Hello Ricky, you have every right to take your dog to the pool. So, I don't
> believe you need to approach anyone about the laws unless it's brought up
> first. That being said, I don't think I would take my dog to the pool area
> even though I can legally do so. If I was constantly wondering if my dog is
> doing okay, not being bothered, and not feeling uncomfortable, I wouldn't
> enjoy myself I don't think.
> I hope this helps.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions Voice and Text:
> 832.554.7285
> Office: 832.639.4477
> Personal Email: raul at raulgallegos.com
> Work Email: training at rgats.com
> Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer
> "Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be." - David
> Thornburg
> On 5/8/2017 9:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU wrote:
>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 +
> community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can
> bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They
> ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would of
> course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or is
> it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community
> administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
>> Thanks,
>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/raul%40raulgallegos
>> .com
> _______________________________________________
> NAGDU mailing list
> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for NAGDU:
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/cindyray%40gmail.com
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 09:23:39 -0400
> From: Danielle Sykora <dsykora29 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID:
> <CAAdv8foGhbQ53+sabx0S+ohoaOq60JmnZivD8w4Y=o4x5HyyLQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> If there is a serious concern of people petting/feeding the dog, you
> could try putting the dog in a collapsible crate. Though it isn't
> impossible for people to interact with the dog in a crate, there is a
> physical barrier between them which makes it a lot more difficult.
> Danielle and Thai
> On 5/9/17, Cindy Ray via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> My biggest concern taking the dog to the pool was people feeding it, and
>> one
>> dog I had took issue with me being in the pool. I think currently I
>> wouldn't
>> do it anymore, though I might under certain circumstances.
>> Cindy Lou Ray
>> cindyray at gmail.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
>> via NAGDU
>> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017 10:41 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: Raul A. Gallegos <raul at raulgallegos.com>
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
>> Hello Ricky, you have every right to take your dog to the pool. So, I don't
>> believe you need to approach anyone about the laws unless it's brought up
>> first. That being said, I don't think I would take my dog to the pool area
>> even though I can legally do so. If I was constantly wondering if my dog is
>> doing okay, not being bothered, and not feeling uncomfortable, I wouldn't
>> enjoy myself I don't think.
>> I hope this helps.
>> --
>> Raul A. Gallegos
>> Assistive Technology Trainer - RGA Tech Solutions Voice and Text:
>> 832.554.7285
>> Office: 832.639.4477
>> Personal Email: raul at raulgallegos.com
>> Work Email: training at rgats.com
>> Twitter: @rga7285 and @RGATrainer
>> "Any teacher that can be replaced with a computer, deserves to be." - David
>> Thornburg
>> On 5/8/2017 9:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU wrote:
>>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 +
>> community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can
>> bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They
>> ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would
>> of
>> course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or
>> is
>> it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
>>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community
>> administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> NAGDU mailing list
>>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/raul%40raulgallegos
>>> .com
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/cindyray%40gmail.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/dsykora29%40gmail.com
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 09:24:03 -0400
> From: David <david at bakerinet.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <7bd3009e-f2c5-3f12-a066-26cc6fad7815 at bakerinet.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> I would think you have the right to have your pup accompany you to the
> pool and you do not have to ask anyone. To me, the issue would involve
> how my dog handles being on a tie-down. The precociousness of children
> and the ability of adults to respect Darcy's status might be an issue,
> too, but a harness sign might help with that. It might give you a
> chance to educate your neighbors.
> I've never left Claire Rose in the 22 months we've been together, except
> when I've headed into a store with a cane, and then she is in the car
> with my wife. (Swimming pool supply stores have too many chemicals for
> me to feel comfortable having her with me in them.) I may have done
> that five or six times. Even in the hospital, she was with me as we
> wandered around on a gurney getting tests. Since the doors in the
> hallways were so narrow, they just had her hop up on the gurney with
> me. We did get a lot of funny looks and some cute comments from staff.
> I'm sure the image, her lying beside me with her head on my shoulder,
> must have startled a few folks.
> While I could trust her alone in the house, I've just never done that.
> In the event that you are challenged, you can show the ADA rules and/or
> state law.
> David and Claire Rose in Clearwater, FL
> On 5/8/2017 10:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU wrote:
>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 + community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would of course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or is it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
>> Thanks,
>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for NAGDU:
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/david%40bakerinet.com
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
> http://www.avg.com
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 22:32:55 -0500
> From: Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU <shardy at nfbtx.org>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <FA349A82-0551-44B4-94C5-F0B8FB593EC5 at nfbtx.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hello there, when I had my first guy dog, I took him to a public pool once. I had no issues. However, if it were me, I think I would elect to leave my dog at home and take a cane to the pool. I'm not sure where you live, but in Texas, it gets unbelievably hot. So whether you have an umbrella or a towel on the ground the dog will still be hot. These are just my thoughts. Good luck.
> --
> Stacie Hardy <shardy at nfbtx.org>
> President: NFB of Texas Houston Chapter
> Voice and Text: (346) 704-0190 or (832) 779-7477
> "A question never asked is an answer never known"
> "Live the life you want!"
>> On May 8, 2017, at 9:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 + community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would of course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or is it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
>> Thanks,
>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for NAGDU:
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/shardy%40nfbtx.org
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 09 May 2017 08:37:49 -0700
> From: Gary Steeves <rainshadowmusic at shaw.ca>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>, Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <6EC1FF28-649D-4484-9339-387C8B52B7C9 at shaw.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> hi:
> when I was taking some swimming lessons, or is that adult education :), I talked to the pool ahead of time to ask if they. could keep Bogart in their office. usually I found. that the people. working there are dog overs. Bogart didn't have problems being left with nice women. if they had any issues they knew where I was. I'd then use my came to navigate the change rooms and get out to the pool. I don't think Bogart would have suffered being on a tie down by the pool while his master was obviously close to drowning. :)
> Gary
> On May 8, 2017 8:32:55 PM PDT, Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hello there, when I had my first guy dog, I took him to a public pool
>> once. I had no issues. However, if it were me, I think I would elect to
>> leave my dog at home and take a cane to the pool. I'm not sure where
>> you live, but in Texas, it gets unbelievably hot. So whether you have
>> an umbrella or a towel on the ground the dog will still be hot. These
>> are just my thoughts. Good luck.
>> --
>> Stacie Hardy <shardy at nfbtx.org>
>> President: NFB of Texas Houston Chapter
>> Voice and Text: (346) 704-0190 or (832) 779-7477
>> "A question never asked is an answer never known"
>> "Live the life you want!"
>>> On May 8, 2017, at 9:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55
>> + community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I
>> can bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I
>> swim? They ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle
>> this. I would of course put her under an umbrella and have something
>> for her to lay on. Or is it better to get there by cane and leave her
>> home.
>>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the
>> community administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA
>> law?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> NAGDU mailing list
>>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/shardy%40nfbtx.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/rainshadowmusic%40shaw.ca
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 13:06:26 -0500
> From: "Jordan Gallacher" <jordanandbelto at gmail.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
> Users'" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <021801d2c8ee$fa54f890$eefee9b0$@gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Down here in Louisiana and when I visit my girlfriend in Florida, it is just
> too hot to let Belto sit in the sun if I am at the pool.
> Jordan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Stacie Hardy -
> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017 10:33 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Hello there, when I had my first guy dog, I took him to a public pool once.
> I had no issues. However, if it were me, I think I would elect to leave my
> dog at home and take a cane to the pool. I'm not sure where you live, but in
> Texas, it gets unbelievably hot. So whether you have an umbrella or a towel
> on the ground the dog will still be hot. These are just my thoughts. Good
> luck.
> --
> Stacie Hardy <shardy at nfbtx.org>
> President: NFB of Texas Houston Chapter
> Voice and Text: (346) 704-0190 or (832) 779-7477
> "A question never asked is an answer never known"
> "Live the life you want!"
>> On May 8, 2017, at 9:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 +
> community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can
> bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They
> ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would of
> course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or is
> it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community
> administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
>> Thanks,
>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/shardy%40nfbtx.org
> _______________________________________________
> NAGDU mailing list
> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for NAGDU:
> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/jordanandbelto%40gmail.co
> m
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 13:22:59 -0500
> From: Aleeha Dudley <blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
> Message-ID: <6A68201D-C34D-4C54-A475-2755AB4100A2 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hi all,
> I agree with Jordan. It?s much too hot here in Louisiana for a dog to be on tie down at an outdoor pool. The only issue I have with taking a dog to a pool is that the law does say that the dog must be under the direct control of the handler at all times, which may not apply to a tie down or crate, since you cannot immediately reach your dog in a situation that might arise. That is one consideration I would make before taking my dog. Someone with enough knowledge of the law could argue that the dog is not under direct control.
> Aleeha and Whitley
>> On May 9, 2017, at 1:06 PM, Jordan Gallacher via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Down here in Louisiana and when I visit my girlfriend in Florida, it is just
>> too hot to let Belto sit in the sun if I am at the pool.
>> Jordan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Stacie Hardy -
>> Sent: Monday, May 8, 2017 10:33 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Cc: Stacie Hardy - NFBHOU
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Have a question
>> Hello there, when I had my first guy dog, I took him to a public pool once.
>> I had no issues. However, if it were me, I think I would elect to leave my
>> dog at home and take a cane to the pool. I'm not sure where you live, but in
>> Texas, it gets unbelievably hot. So whether you have an umbrella or a towel
>> on the ground the dog will still be hot. These are just my thoughts. Good
>> luck.
>> --
>> Stacie Hardy <shardy at nfbtx.org>
>> President: NFB of Texas Houston Chapter
>> Voice and Text: (346) 704-0190 or (832) 779-7477
>> "A question never asked is an answer never known"
>> "Live the life you want!"
>>> On May 8, 2017, at 9:12 PM, Ricky Joe Cook via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all, I have a legal question that I need help with. I live in a 55 +
>> community and we have a pool for the community. I wanted to know if I can
>> bring Darcy with me to the pool and put her on tie down while I swim? They
>> ban pets of course but I wanted to know how I should handle this. I would of
>> course put her under an umbrella and have something for her to lay on. Or is
>> it better to get there by cane and leave her home.
>>> Do any of you have experience with anything like this.
>>> If I do decide to take her how would you advice I approach the community
>> administrator about bringing her. Should I quote from any ADA law?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ricky Joe Cook & Darcy
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> NAGDU mailing list
>>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/nagdu_nfbnet.org
>>> To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for
>>> http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/nagdu_nfbnet.org/shardy%40nfbtx.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> NAGDU mailing list
>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
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> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> NAGDU mailing list
> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
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> ------------------------------
> End of NAGDU Digest, Vol 146, Issue 10
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