[NAGDU] Belto nailed it

Jordan Gallacher jordanandbelto at gmail.com
Sat May 20 16:45:05 UTC 2017

Belto is a bit of a cross between Brewer and September when it comes to
street crossings, and it has been something that I am still working on with
him.  Brewer was a little on the hesitant side when crossing streets, and
September was quite aggressive.  She would not wait around very long before
she was ready and would get to trying to start with or without me telling
her to.  Belto right now is hesitant, but quite a bit better than he was, at
some streets, and others, he is not waiting around for much.  I think I am
getting somewhere slowly because he is certainly becoming quicker at getting
into the street at most streets these days.  Not perfect yet since he still
has to think about it at some crossings even without any traffic in the way,
but I definitely see progress.  I also need to work on line ups with him a
little because I have seen some wacky things happen, and I thought I was bad
with veering off.  Fun part will be working on that because he tends to veer
almost at the corner I am approaching.  I know what he is targeting, but
where the truncated domes are puts me in traffic or much too close to it for
my liking, and I usually like being pretty close, although I don't have much
choice with how rather narrow the sidewalk is around here.  So, that is an
update about what is going on with Belto.  Oh, I have also never seen a dog
work this well in this heat we already have down here.He gets hot but keeps
right on going.  So, that is also progress from where he was a year ago.


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