[NAGDU] School logos

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Sun Apr 29 15:03:47 UTC 2018

GDB's change to a logo of someone hugging their dog was a small part of my
decision to switch from GDB to TSE.  OK, so it's a logo, but I felt it was
symbolic of some attitudes I didn't care for.  I heard at the time that the
GEB logo was similar.

As I recall, GDB's reason for changing their logo was that they wanted to
show the partnership between human and dog, but IMO there is a big
difference between a working partnership and a pet partnership, and hugging
your dog doesn't show that.

I know schools, and users, have had trouble with public perceptions about
corrections, and I have no problem with moves to use fewer or better
corrections, so long as the dog works well.  But I think it's essential the
schools emphasize that it's a working dog, doing as serious a job as a
police dog, and get away from the "companion in my lonely darkness" crap.

Could we perhaps bring it up at the convention, or something?  Or brainstorm
some PR we'd rather see, that emphasizes the working partnership, then share
it with the schools?



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