[NAGDU] convention preview

Julie Johnson julielj at neb.rr.com
Fri Jun 22 15:00:17 UTC 2018

My company, On The Go-Dog Gear for Your Active Lifestyle is a sponsor of the NAGDU convention events again this year!I will be donating products for door prizes, bringing items to the Show and Tale and will be located at table A32 in the exhibit hall, which is right next to the NAGDU table A33 and then Roughwear, another NAGDU sponsor, is table A34.   Please stop by and say hello!

Here's a video with everything I'm bringing to convention. I've described each briefly.  Many have their own dedicated videos where you can learn more about that product.  Stop by A32 in the exhibit hall to check them out.  .  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6teh2oCq-0M  

On The Go with Guide-and-Service-Dogs.com
also find my products in the Blind Mice Mega Mall

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