[NAGDU] researching about getting a guide dog
andrew edgcumbe
rollercoasterman86 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 18:46:44 UTC 2019
Hi i have taken care of a dog before a pet dog that is as i used to
live on a farm. for me i feel i am good with dogs. for me I just
feel i want to be independent as much as possible that is why i think
way i think.
On 12/31/19, Sandra Gayer via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Before thinking about whether a guide dog is for you or not, have you
> ever looked after a regular dog? It would be a good idea to spend time
> with a dog, even dog sit so you know the ins and outs of being a
> fulltime carer for a large animal along side your day-to-day living,
> working and socialising because that is what it will be like. If you
> find the idea of spending all day every day with a dog, a fun
> prospect, that may not bother you. I echo what other people have said
> on this list about getting experience.
> I thought very seriously about the guide dog path a few months ago
> and, while it isn't the right time for me, I feel it may, possibly, be
> a good idea in the distant future. I have pet dogs so I know the care
> involved. However, they are not guide dog sized and I will walk
> someone else's big dog for free at some point, to get used to the size
> and weight. I am a Singer and Actor. A role I had recently uses a
> guide dog, although I use a cane. We only spent a few days together
> but I was exhausted! (I would add that there were two handlers to look
> after him, all I had to do was play his handler in scenes). It is a
> learning curve but if if it's something you really want to do, go for
> it, knowing that there will be lots of ups and lots of downs. The
> people advising you to get a guide dog? I'd pay no attention to them
> if I were you, especially if they can see.
> It's also worth considering how you move. I find open spaces difficult
> and disorientate easily without lines and edges. While it may feel
> different and I'd get used to it, the idea of a dog or anyone
> constantly guiding me into the open without me physically feeling what
> we're going past weird. You won't feel as much detail on the ground
> through a dog as you do through the cane's tip. Again, this may not
> bother you. Everyone is different and has different needs.
> Very best wishes and happy New Year to everyone on the list.
> Sandra.
> On 12/31/19, Jordan Gallacher via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> I second that. There are a lot of schools,and apply to as many as you
>> think
>> will give you what you are looking for. I know most likely for me if I
>> were
>> to go to a school for adog, Pilot would be my first choice since I am
>> about
>> an hour and a half away in Dayton, OH.
>> Jordan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Mike Hingson via
>> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 1:11 PM
>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: mike at michaelhingson.com
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] researching about getting a guide dog
>> Andrew,
>> Again, that is why I suggest you apply to several schools before making
>> any
>> decision. There is no charge to submit applications to several schools.
>> Deciding to get a guide dog and deciding where to get a guide dog are
>> huge
>> decisions. Don't make them without all the information possible.
>> Best Regards,
>> Michael Hingson
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU On Behalf Of andrew edgcumbe via NAGDU
>> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 10:05 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: andrew edgcumbe <rollercoasterman86 at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] researching about getting a guide dog
>> Hi i don't care if i am treated like family or not but what I do care
>> about
>> is having a school i can go to that will that would i can feel
>> comfortablegoing to them with any issues or personal issues that is what
>> i
>> am looking for without total judgment in a sence as a person. that is
>> what
>> i look f would be looking for. as it would be big step for me to leave
>> go
>> out of country for example if going to one outside of Canada. plus i am
>> very picky eater I went to o andm week once at leader dogs even with my
>> picky eating thing they made sure i had something i liked weather it was
>> left over ham for example things like that i am very picky eater but that
>> asside i was treated well that week for o and m week.
>> On 12/29/19, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew.
>>> I remember not being sure about getting a guide dog, but decided to
>>> give it a try. That was almost 40 years ago now.
>>> At the time, I lived in Minnesota. I found using a cane in lots of
>>> snow to be a real pain. The dog was a lot easier, because the dog
>>> could see where we wanted to go, and also see the clearest path, if
>>> there
>> was one.
>>> But having a dog has its own hassles, as Cindy explained very well.
>>> In my experience, the more exercise a dog gets, the better it is, both
>>> as a guide and as a house companion. They're bred to work, and, if
>>> they don't get enough work, they get bored and can get into mischief.
>>> But, if you have
>>> 3 good routs, and have regular reasons to get out and walk around, you
>>> should be fine. And you can build from there.
>>> It's a commitment, but not necessarily a life-long commitment. Some
>>> people decide, after a few months, that it's not for them, and return
>>> the
>> dog.
>>> Some people work one dog, then decide for whatever reason not to get
>>> another. And some work dogs for years, then take a break, then go
>>> back to it.
>>> So, though it's a serious decision, it's one you can change your mind
>>> about.
>>> Tracy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of andrew
>>> edgcumbe via NAGDU
>>> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2019 10:52 PM
>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>> Cc: andrew edgcumbe
>>> Subject: [NAGDU] researching about getting a guide dog
>>> Hi I am just researching about the idea of getting a guide dog. I
>>> know it may or may not be for everybody in a sence because of work
>>> involved. I like to hear about people's experiences and ask
>>> questions. I know it is not for everybody but how do you really know
>>> for sure weather it is for you or not for you you might think as a non
>>> guide dog user that it may be an option but in a sence may not fully
>>> realize what is involved. I have been suggested by it i has been
>>> suggested by other people i should consider it and stuff like that in
>>> the past and think it would be good idea for me. but in last week or
>>> so I decided to start looking into it all on my own. I know you do
>>> need good o and m skills. i can walk at least 2 or 3 roots myself.
>>> What is your experience been like with a guide dog would you
>>> reckommend thatdog to those who feel like it would be an option to
>>> them? Would you feel a guide dog has made you even more independent
>>> over time did you find you were less independent without one? like
>>> could you compair if it made a difference or not in your life as a
>>> blind person. and if you have a guide dog why did you even consider
>>> getting one?
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> --
> Sandra Gayer DipABRSM, LRSM.
> Soprano Singer
> www.sandragayer.com
> Broadcast Presenter
> www.rnibconnectradio.org.uk/music-box.html
> Actor
> www.visablepeople.com
> Voiceover Artist
> www.archangelvoices.co.uk/content/sandra-gayer
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