[NAGDU] Commands was Re: another GDF question
knownoflove at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 03:25:39 UTC 2019
I wonder why they do not teach leave it any longer. I also wonder why other schools do not teach commands such as back, under, off, up/stand, drop it or give, about, etc.? I also wonder why some schools may not specifically teach the dogs to find such designated objects as elevators, stairs, seats, curbs (great when you’re looking for a curb that might not be add a street crossing such as a couple curbs that we deal with on the route to our internship). These are commands that I definitely would find useful.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 16, 2019, at 5:04 PM, Danielle Sykora via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Most schools teach the same commands up to a point, and then start to
> differ somewhat. I think GDF teaches the most commands of any program,
> or at least they used to in my experience. A few commands have been
> dropped... long story. I wrote down all of the commands my dog knew
> for no apparent reason after coming home from class in November, so
> here you go.
> Obedience
> 1. Sit
> 2. Down
> 3-4. Up/stand
> 5. Stay
> 6. Come
> 7. Whistle recall: comes to the sound of a whistle
> 8. Off
> 9. Heel: stands on left side facing forward
> 10. Walk: walks on a loose leash on left side
> 11. Switch: comes from a heel position to stand on right side, usually
> when going through doors with hinges on the left
> 12. Touch: touches nose to hand
> 13. Leave it: Officially, GDF no longer teaches students to use this
> command for reasons that don’t totally make sense to me. However, this
> command is used while the dogs are puppies so they are familiar with
> it.
> 14. Under: lays under a chair or table
> 15. Up front: goes in front of handler off a curb or into the grass,
> given prior to the “get busy” cue
> 16. Get busy
> 17. Drink
> 18. Out/drop it: drop whatever is in your mouth
> 19. quiet
> 20. OK: releases from previous command
> guiding commands/tasks
> 21. Forward
> 22. Left: 90 degree turn to the left
> 23. Right: 90 degree turn to the right
> 24. Halt: slow to a stop
> 25. About: 180 degree turn while guiding
> 26. back
> 27. Inside: go through a door, jump in the car, and find the entrance
> to a building
> 28. Outside: go through a door, jump out of the car, and find the exit
> of a building
> 29. Over left: move to the left or walk on the left side of a
> sidewalk/street/hallway
> 30. Over right: move to the right or walk on the right side of a
> sidewalk/street/hallway
> 31. Careful: used to warn of an upcoming difficult spot to work, or as
> a correction when not working an obstacle correctly
> 32. Follow: follows a designated person
> 33. Steady: slow down/pull less
> 34. Hup up: walk more quickly, or move closer to whatever the dog is
> trying to show the handler
> Find the…
> 35. curb
> 36. Seat: this can be a specific seat have sat in before, or any empty
> seat available
> 37. Stairs up
> 38. Stairs down
> 39. Door
> 40. Bed (place): goes and lays in bed
> 41. Bus
> 42. van
> 43. garbage/trash
> 44. The way: used to tell a dog to find a clear path through a crowd,
> the safest way around an obstacle that blocks the entire sidewalk, and
> similar situations
> 45. Button: elevator button or crosswalk button
> 46. Elevator
> 47. Escalator up
> 48. Escalator down
> 49. ramp
> 50. Counter: checkout counters
> **Graduates are strongly encouraged to teach additional find commands
> throughout class and once home, teaching the dogs to target frequently
> used rooms, buildings, and stores.**
> **GDF also formally teaches leash guiding, which is a concept, not a command.**
> **Commands may vary slightly from instructor to instructor.**
> Danielle, Thai, and Jackie
>> On 2/16/19, Madison Martin via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hi all, I was just wondering, out of curiosity, what commands does GDF
>> teach
>> their guide dogs? Do all schools tend to teach their dogs the same
>> commands?
>> Look forward to hearing back from you guys! Thanks
>> Madison
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