[NAGDU] it's never too early to begin preparations

mike at michaelhingson.com mike at michaelhingson.com
Thu Jan 17 00:36:44 UTC 2019

Hi all,


As you probably know, our National Federation of the Blind National
convention will be held this July in Las Vegas Nevada. Temperatures during
the day, and most likely at night too, will be over 100 degrees. This means
we need to prepare to keep our guide dogs safe and comfortable during the
time we are in Las Vegas.


We are planning to write an article for the Braille Monitor to provide
people with helpful and relevant information concerning how to handle the
hot temperatures with our guides. I am inviting you to participate here in a
discussion of what you do to keep your guides safe in extreme temperatures.
Let's talk about both hot and cold situations.


All relevant ideas and thoughts are welcome. There is no wrong idea. We want
to get the most information that we can so we can provide good information
for all convention goers who bring their guides.


Thank you in advance for your help. 



Best Regards,



Michael Hingson

Vice President, NAGDU


The Michael Hingson Group, INC.

"Speaking with Vision"

Michael Hingson, President

(415) 827-4084

info at michaelhingson.com

To order Michael Hingson's new book, Running With Roselle, and check on
Michael Hingson's speaking availability for your next event please visit:



To purchase your own portrait of Roselle painted by the world's foremost
animal artist, Ron Burns, please visit http://www.ronburns.com/roselle

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