[NAGDU] Shopping with a guide dog and indoor relieving?
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Wed Jun 5 17:04:33 UTC 2019
My last 2 male dogs have had no problem relieving in the airport relieving
In theory, I could using the relieving belt instead, hooking the bag in
front of behind. However, I tried this in desperation once in an airport
bathroom, and Krokus looked at me like I was out of my mind. It might
have worked if he *really had to go and was about to bust, but not
I can't recall any of my dogs enjoying going out in the rain, but they do
it. Usually, I put on the dog's raincoat, put on my raincoat and hat, and
out we go. I have a hat with a wide brim that doesn't block my ears and
keeps the rain off nicely.
I have always found a dog helpful in snowy and icy conditions. They learn
to warn me of bad spots, and avoid them if they can. They also add an
extra element of balance. Together, we are the six-footed snow leaper.
> Hello Lisa,
> Thank you for your insight. It never occurred to me that the dog may
> get confused if Iâm pulling something behind me. Does that mean youâd
> put your food shopping in your backpack? I know some people have their
> weekly shop home delivered but what about fresh food, milk, eggs,
> bread, things you need day-to-day?
> Rain wouldnât be too bad, especially if I could find a thin hood of
> some kind which didnât occlude my hearing as much as a coat hood does.
> Itâs slippery ice and snow which Iâm bothered about. We get that hear
> in the winter time. I struggle walking in it and thatâs without a
> guide dog.
> Thanks again.
> Very best wishes,
> Sandra.
> On 6/4/19, Lisa via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hi Sandra,
>> Sometimes, when I'm travelling, I use a pull-along suitcase that I pull
>> with my right hand. But at least for my dog and me, it isn't working
>> very well. The dog seems to feel the weight or pull on my right side and
>> gets confused. I think he thinks I try to get him to walk on the right
>> side of the sidewalk. So he isn't able to do his guidework properly when
>> I'm pulling something. That's just my personal experience with one dog.
>> I rely on backpacks. They don't confuse the dog and keep your hands
>> free, which is always an important thing for me, too. I want to be able
>> to use my right hand quickly if I need to.
>> I can't answer your other question, because here in Germany, our dogs
>> aren't trained to rely on anything but grass/natural ground. I'm taking
>> the dog out regardless of the weather. In fact, we just came back from a
>> walk in the pouring rain. ;-)
>> Lisa
>> Am 04.06.2019 um 13:15 schrieb Sandra Gayer via NAGDU:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I've been researching, using books and lectures, as well as going over
>>> recollections of guide dog teams I have come into contact with, in
>>> real life. I'm back with more questions, if that's alright.
>>> Assuming I have a treatbag on my belt, a bag of plastic/paper bags for
>>> relieving purposes in another belt bag, an across the body handbag
>>> with stuff I'd need for myself like tissues and eyewash hand
>>> sanitiser, somewhere for a towel or kitchen roll to wipe the dog
>>> before getting into cars or clean buildings like shopping centres,
>>> where is the shopping going to go? How do I carry it? Keeping in mind
>>> that, if possible, I'd need a hand which could be made available
>>> quickly if I fell. Has anyone had good, or bad, experienceswith pull
>>> along cases/trolleys? Pulling behind you or in front of you?
>>> Backpacks? This last would be worse and could do damage if I fell but
>>> I cold be wrong about this.
>>> Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Very best wishes,
>>> Sandra.
>>> My other question is, if the weather is bad, how do you get the dog to
>>> relieve indoors or at least undercover where there's no grass?
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> --
> Sandra Gayer DipABRSM, LRSM.
> Soprano Singer
> www.sandragayer.com
> Broadcast Presenter
> www.rnibconnectradio.org.uk/music-box.html
> Actor
> www.visablepeople.com
> Voiceover Artist
> www.archangelvoices.co.uk/content/sandra-gayer
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