[NAGDU] Crosses
Danielle Sykora
dsykora29 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 15:21:07 UTC 2019
Actually, that’s pretty much how you use crate training The wrong way. The right way to use crate training is to put the puppy in the crate when you can’t watch them to prevent them from developing bad habits. Crates are not intended to have you leave the puppy in it all day long for its entire life whenever you aren’t directly supervising them though I’m sure some people do this. If you don’t put the puppy in a crate and leave them unsupervised, then most likely they are going to get into something they shouldn’t. Then it becomes a habit of chewing your furniture or whatever when you’re not around because it was fun and you weren’t there to stop them. The correct way of crate training is putting the puppy in the crate when you can’t supervise them in situations more complex than you have trained the puppy for, which is probably going to be a lot when they’re really young and progressively less as they get older. When you’re home with them, you gradually start giving them more and more freedom first while you are around and then introduce progressively longer periods of time By themself. That way, you set the puppy up for success. If the puppy knows how to behave when you are around, you can gradually start introducing them to behaving when you aren’t around for longer and longer periods of time.
That being said, no one really knows how well a puppy raiser truly keeps up with house behavior if we are being totally honest. Trainers and puppy department staff can ask questions but usually are never going to be observing dogs in a real home environment. I also can’t speak for how much information and support puppy raisers get from each individual program about how to use crate training affectively. The only way the program would really know if the dog truly learned correct house behavior is to have someone other than the puppy raiser observe the dog in a home environment. I know at least some programs will have the dog stay with another puppy raiser for a short period of time at some point while they are being raised, but I don’t know if every program has something like this.
Also, some dogs are going to test new handlers more than others and every dog tests the handler in different ways. For some dogs, it might manifest more in their house behavior and for others more in their working behavior. The younger the dog and the more high energy the dog, the more this is going to be a problem when you first come home.
I guess all this to say that while of course any training method can be used incorrectly, I don’t think it’s fair to blame the method just because people can use it the wrong way sometimes. It’s kind of like how the general public tends to get upset whenever we give our dogs a correction , because even though I’m sure most of us give leash corrections entirely appropriately, there are some people out there who give corrections entirely the wrong way and negatively affect their dog .
Danielle Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 6, 2019, at 9:39 AM, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Personally, I put part of the blame on the crate training that's all the rage these days. Can't watch the puppy? Put him in his crate, and forget about it. So the puppy doesn't learn to behave without someone keeping a close eye on it every minute. Not a fan of crate training. Seems more like crate not-training to me.
> Tracy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Lisa via NAGDU
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 11:37 AM
> To: Tracy Carcione via NAGDU
> Cc: Lisa
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Crosses
> Hi Tracy,
> I am only on my first guide dog, so can't compare several dogs. But my
> dog is a pure lab and had all of Krokus' habits in the early days. It
> took a lot of patience and time to teach him how to behave in the house
> but it worked well.
> I'd say rather than being a cross thing, it's a matter of socialization.
> Obviously, the family where Taylor grew up before he started training
> wasn't so keen on good house manners. But I don't know what it's like in
> the US, where the puppies are before they start proper training.
> Lisa
>> Am 05.03.2019 um 16:48 schrieb Tracy Carcione via NAGDU:
>> Krokus is a lab/golden cross. He was quite young when I got him, and did
>> his best to chew up as many of my possessions as he could. If I tried to
>> put things out of his reach, he'd find something to climb on to get at
>> stuff. I was *not happy.
>> I just talked to a friend who recently got a cross and is having a very
>> similar problem. Is this a cross thing?
>> Krokus is my seventh guide dog, and I never had such a chewer before, but
>> I never had a cross before, either. It's really not something I want to
>> deal with. He eventually grew out of it, mostly, but getting to this
>> stage was not fun. Well, great fun for him, none for me.
>> If it's a cross thing, I'll say next time I don't want one, even if I have
>> to wait, as there are so many of the crosses now.
>> Tracy
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