[NAGDU] Crosses
Sandra Johnson
SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 6 20:56:38 UTC 2019
I understand that many guide dog handlers use crates. However, I do think
some of the puppy raisers use it so much that the dog does not have enough
opportunities to learn proper behavior. I have never felt the need to use a
crate with any of my guide dogs. If a bad behavior did occur I immediately
dealt with it and the dog quickly learned what was expected. When I got Eva
from Pilot five years ago they had crates in the rooms. It broke my heart
to put her in the crate. I think crates are extremely cruel. She cried
pitifully and I felt like I had put my precious golden pup into prison. Her
trainer admitted that Eva hated being in her crate and he had a tough time
training her to get in it. I knew I would never use a crate after class so,
I just let her lye next to my bed on a fleece blanket I had brought to class
for her.
Sandra and the always free in the house Eva
-----Original Message-----
From: sunshine via NAGDU
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 1:28 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: sunshine
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Crosses
> I would put most of the blame on the owner not the crate. Crates are
> great, but they are not intended to be used as a place to put the dog at
> all times. My dog is only in the crate under certain circumstances. Some
> dogs like the crate. It's a safe haven. I have a dog that is over-zealous
> when people come to visit. Some time in the crate eliminates the issue of
> my dog's attempt to jump on people. After friends or family are here a
> while, my dog is taken out of the crate. As long as no one rials her up,
> she does fine.
It's a matter of preference. Some people never use a crate, though they do
tie their dogs down. There are times when we might crate our dogs. Even when
I leave home, my dog doesn't need to be crated. She likes going to it and
has since I've had her.
Sent from my iPhone XR
> On Mar 6, 2019, at 8:39 AM, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> wrote:
> Personally, I put part of the blame on the crate training that's all the
> rage these days. Can't watch the puppy? Put him in his crate, and forget
> about it. So the puppy doesn't learn to behave without someone keeping a
> close eye on it every minute. Not a fan of crate training. Seems more
> like crate not-training to me.
> Tracy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Lisa via NAGDU
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 11:37 AM
> To: Tracy Carcione via NAGDU
> Cc: Lisa
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Crosses
> Hi Tracy,
> I am only on my first guide dog, so can't compare several dogs. But my
> dog is a pure lab and had all of Krokus' habits in the early days. It
> took a lot of patience and time to teach him how to behave in the house
> but it worked well.
> I'd say rather than being a cross thing, it's a matter of socialization.
> Obviously, the family where Taylor grew up before he started training
> wasn't so keen on good house manners. But I don't know what it's like in
> the US, where the puppies are before they start proper training.
> Lisa
>> Am 05.03.2019 um 16:48 schrieb Tracy Carcione via NAGDU:
>> Krokus is a lab/golden cross. He was quite young when I got him, and did
>> his best to chew up as many of my possessions as he could. If I tried to
>> put things out of his reach, he'd find something to climb on to get at
>> stuff. I was *not happy.
>> I just talked to a friend who recently got a cross and is having a very
>> similar problem. Is this a cross thing?
>> Krokus is my seventh guide dog, and I never had such a chewer before, but
>> I never had a cross before, either. It's really not something I want to
>> deal with. He eventually grew out of it, mostly, but getting to this
>> stage was not fun. Well, great fun for him, none for me.
>> If it's a cross thing, I'll say next time I don't want one, even if I
>> have
>> to wait, as there are so many of the crosses now.
>> Tracy
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