[NAGDU] Are there any schools which do home training in Ohio
Marianne Denning
marianne at denningweb.com
Thu Mar 28 16:23:39 UTC 2019
Leader Dogs says it does home training and it is in MI. Here is a link to
the page.
On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 11:39 AM Sandra Johnson via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Hello:
> As far as I know, Pilot does not do home training. Their class for
> someone
> who is an experienced dog handler is ten days. Several schools have
> shorter
> class times. As for Pilot Dogs not being traffic trained, that is just
> not
> true. My current guide is from Pilot and she is extremely safe in
> traffic.
> No, they don't drive a car at you and your dog during training. They work
> you in real traffic in downtown Columbus. I never thought the fake
> traffic
> checks the other schools do did any good since the dog usually recognized
> the car or driver. If you don't know it is a fact, then do not put out
> false information about a school.
> Sandra and Pilot Dog Eva
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Debra Chandler via NAGDU
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 10:19 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: dchandler001 at carolina.rr.com ; Chaim B. Segal
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Are there any schools which do home training in Ohio
> Hi. Pilot Dogs might provide home training for you but their dogs are not
> traffic trained, e.g. they believe in naturally occurring traffic checks
> instead of setting the dog up for traffic problems. Could you go into
> Home
> and Away at Seeing Eye? A lot or rather some of the schools outside of
> Ohio
> provide home training but not usually to first-time students.
> Deb and Tally
> ---- "Chaim B. Segal via NAGDU" <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> > Hi Again:
> >
> > As I mentioned in my last post, Yahtzee is 9 years old. I have worked
> him
> > longer than any of my previous three Seeing Eye guides. As I am adamant
> > that I want a German Shepherd as my next guide, Seeing Eye does not have
> a
> > suitable match for me at this time. I'm not even sure their not having a
> > match even has to do with the breed. I am tentatively scheduled to
> attend
> > their October/November class this year, but due to upcoming
> circumstances
> > I'm unsure I will be able to. I'll try to give a brief explanation:
> >
> > I am starting training for a new job on April 8, doing collections for a
> > company called Synchrony Financial. After my 4-week training, I have
> three
> > months probation. During which, I can only take two personal days. It
> > would seem that by October, I would be able to ask for a possible leave
> to
> > train with the new guide. However, this year, the Jewish High Holy Day
> > season and festival of Sukkot which follows starts on the evening of
> > September 29 and lasts through October 22. Unfortunately, the festival
> > days this year are mostly falling out on Monday and Tuesday. As an
> > observant Jew, I am not allowed to work those days and will already be
> > needing personal time off. And, for that matter, I'm unsure I will be
> > entitled to that much and may have to compromise and work on some of the
> > days when I am technically not allowed to. This being said, I am quite
> > embarrassed to have to ask for so much time off after already asking for
> > time off for observing the holidays. I considered switching to the cane
> > for around a year until I can build up enough personal time to train.
> > However, there are a few extremely busy intersections in my neighborhood
> > which are key to walking most places, and I no longer feel comfortable
> > attempting to cross these alone using my cane.
> > All this being said, I thought I would throw this one out here for the
> > list. I know that there are some guide dog schools out there who have
> done
> > home training with clients who have not even used dogs before. It's fair
> > to say that I have a lot of experience, and, assuming the program has a
> > good reputation, I feel I could benefit from being trained in my home
> > environment just as well as at a school at this point. Once my job
> > training finishes in May, I will be working a second shift except on
> > Sundays. Perhaps, if it could be arranged, I could train with a new
> guide
> > in the morning and early afternoon before going to work for the day.
> Other
> > than Seeing Eye's Home And Away training, which I did with Yahtzee, I
> > honestly don't know much about home training, and if any school out
> there
> > would agree to let me solely home train on account of my current
> > circumstances. Does anybody out there have any experience with this? Is
> > there a particular school that I should consider contacting? While I
> feel
> > loyalty to Seeing Eye, I also have anxiety concerning maneuvering the
> > streets with a cane. Without a guide dog, I tend to have a problem with
> > veering.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any info.
> >
> > Chaim
> >
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Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053
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