[NAGDU] NYAGDU Seminar on Diversity in the Guide Dog Community

mike at michaelhingson.com mike at michaelhingson.com
Thu Oct 15 22:28:24 UTC 2020


Let's talk about it. Please email me your phone# and some good times to call. I am tied up the rest of the day creating a science video for my presentation to the NFB of RI convention. I can talk after 4PM your time tomorrow or over the weekend if that is better.

Best Regards,

Michael Hingson

-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU On Behalf Of Heather Bird via NAGDU
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 2:25 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Heather Bird <heather.l.bird at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] NYAGDU Seminar on Diversity in the Guide Dog Community

Wow! That’s a very generous offer, given the timeframe, I’m not sure if our affiliate president would be willing and able to switch the zoom information. However, I can certainly ask him. If he is not, this is a great resource to know about in the future. Well it is expensive for an individual to purchase, it certainly seems like something that our affiliate or one of our divisions might be able to purchase in order to enhance our diversity initiatives and better serve our fellow Federationests  would you possibly be able to send me an email, off list, with the name of the product, the developer, and a little bit of information in general, about how it works and how it has been a benefit to you? That would give me a jumping off point if I’m going to present it as a possible purchase to our affiliate board or one of our divisions.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 15, 2020, at 1:41 PM, Mike Hingson via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> There is a program called Otter that can provide real time transcriptions. Otter for Teams, the version that provides real time options costs $120/year per user for nonprofits. I use it and it works extremely well, including appropriate punctuations.
> If no one can set it up in time, I'd be willing to use my Zoom room to host this meeting and thus can provide the live transcriptions. I can't transfer it to another host as Otter is set up with a particular Zoom account.
> Best Regards,
> Michael Hingson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU On Behalf Of Tracy Carcione via NAGDU
> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 10:20 AM
> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users' 
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Tracy Carcione <carcione at access.net>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] NYAGDU Seminar on Diversity in the Guide Dog 
> Community
> I just reached out to the NFB Computer Science listserve to see if anyone has suggestions.  I'll let you know if I hear something helpful.
> Does anyone know what was done for captioning of our national convention?
> Tracy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Heather 
> Bird via NAGDU
> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 1:14 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Heather Bird
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] NYAGDU Seminar on Diversity in the Guide Dog 
> Community
> No, I’m very sorry, I wish it was. I’m not sure what options exist for providing that with virtual meetings. I know there is software out there, that attempts to caption in real time, for instance, I have seen demos of iPhone apps where when you create a video clip, it automatically attempts to include subtitles, to put captioning in that is synced up with the audio in the video. Unfortunately, I don’t know if zoom has a feature like that, or what other options exist. I am open to suggestions for this meeting if doable, or for meetings in the future. I could send my five page very detailed outline of speaking points which would give a lot more information, and if you had specific thoughts if anyone who is deaf blind had specific thoughts they wanted to share, and they sent them to me by email, I would be happy to read them off in the discussion where they naturally would fit. But as I said I am absolutely open to suggestions for the short or long term. The call will be recorded, and since I feel a little negligent not having an option like this set up, I would be willing to put my transcriptionist training into practice, and play back the recording and transcribe the entire thing Word for Word and send that out. That would also give me time to look into software that I could possibly run the recording through that would attempt to turn the whole thing into text. Are used to work in interrogations transcription for the DDSO in Rochester New York, so I do have experience in doing transcription work, I’m sure there’s a more text savvy way to accomplish this, but I am Not aware of what exactly that might be. This especially bothers me given that the purpose of this is to speak about diversity, it certainly raises an issue, that division meetings related to guide dog use, materials produced by Guide Dogs for the programs, and other such media needs to be accessible, not only in braille and large print, and accessible electronica format, but also to have options to allow better access for people who are deaf or deaf blind.
> Thank you so much for your input, I’m open to further suggestions, and again I apologize for not having an option readily available at this time.
> Life is short, dictation is in perfect, pleaseLife is short, dictation is imperfect, please excuse any errors in this message.
> Sent  from my iPhone
>> On Oct 15, 2020, at 11:55 AM, Rox Homstad via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Will this be captioned for people who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing? Thanks so much.
>> Best,
>> Rox'E and the Kitchen Bitches
>> Soleil, Rowan, Phoenix
>> pawpower4me at gmail.com
>>>> On Oct 15, 2020, at 10:18 AM, Heather Bird via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>  The New York Association of Guide Dog Users (NYAGDU) presents a 
>>> workshop on diversity in the guide dog handling community.
>>> What?
>>> We will be hosting a facilitated discussion on how the myriad layers 
>>> of diversity, such as race/ethnicity, sex/gender/sexual orientation, 
>>> age, religious/cultural background, political/professional 
>>> affiliation, disability status, etc. affect guide dog handlers, 
>>> puppy-raisers, trainers, and the public with which guide dog/handler 
>>> teams interact. Diversity as it pertains to breeds and types of dogs 
>>> available will also be discussed.
>>> Why?
>>> If guide dog training programs are to serve a wonderfully diverse 
>>> community of prospective guide dog handlers, they must understand 
>>> the complexities of the lives, needs, perspectives, and situations 
>>> of that community. In order to support one another as guide dog 
>>> handlers, we must be able to recognize and celebrate the diversity 
>>> within our own community, and to understand how diversity affects 
>>> others involved within the guide dog community, such as the 
>>> puppy-raisers, trainers, and other staff that contribute to the 
>>> breeding, education, and placing of our dogs, and also the public 
>>> with which we and our dogs interact on a daily basis. Discussion of 
>>> how guide dog training programs have met or failed to meet the needs 
>>> of, and to respect, or failed to respect, the rights of various 
>>> diverse groups, provides a framework for advocacy, dialogue and, 
>>> when necessary, collective action in the future. In order to meet 
>>> the needs of our diverse community, a diverse range of dogs must be 
>>> available, as various breeds, both sexes, and a wide range of pace, 
>>> pull, temperament, and personality is required to ensure that 
>>> diverse handlers have appropriate and available matches across the US.
>>> When?
>>> Monday, October 19th, from 7:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. Eastern 
>>> Standard Time,
>>> Where?
>>> During the 2020 Annual Convention of the National Federation of the 
>>> Blind of New York State Inc, there will be a series of virtual 
>>> workshops and seminars, offered using the Zoom platform.
>>> Visit https://nfbny.org/conventions/details to register for the 
>>> virtual convention, or for the Zoom link to the seminar directly 
>>> which will be posted in the convention agenda.
>>> Who?
>>> While this seminar is hosted by the NYAGDU, it is open to guide dog 
>>> handlers from other states, to handlers of other types of service 
>>> dogs, and to members and non-members alike. If you handle a guide or 
>>> service dog, are considering applying for a guide or service dog, or 
>>> have an interest in the breeding, raising, training, and working of 
>>> guide dogs, then, please join us for this productive and 
>>> thought-provoking discussion.
>>> Please note, while we will raise food-for-thought scenarios, posit 
>>> questions to generate discussion, and cover controversial topics in 
>>> the course of this discussion, the NYAGDU does not purport to speak 
>>> for all members of any particular diversity group, as we are all 
>>> individuals with unique perspectives and needs. Further, we are not 
>>> attempting to provide the “right” answers, or the “only” solutions, 
>>> as this is intended to be a jumping off point for a more 
>>> comprehensive and informed understanding for all, not a rigid 
>>> lecture full of “musts” and “shoulds.”
>>> For more information, please contact Heather Bird President, New 
>>> York Association of Guide Dog Users NYAGDU at NFBNY.org
>>> (585) 739-6473
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