sblanjones11 at sbcglobal.net sblanjones11 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 24 01:16:37 UTC 2022

I was shopping with a friend at Menard's.  They had a pet toy bin that I
looked through while she was otherwise occupied.

I found something that looks really durable, and bought it for Christmas for
Topher.  I did see it on Amazon, but had trouble copying the link, so I'll
give the details here.


Gnawsome 4.5 extra large spiky squeak and light ball.

It's spiky and rubbery on the outside.  It kind of looks like a porcupine,
but the spikes are not sharp or flimsy, they look tough.

It was the only one left, and really the only toy I would even consider
buying for a heavy chewer.  I haven't tried it out yet, but he was very
interested, and I think he'll like it, and it looks like it will last a

I should mention that it's made in China, and that the tag on mine says it's
distributed by Royal Pets in Minnesota.


Hope everyone enjoys the holidays.


Kind regards,

Susan & Topher




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