[NAGDU] Lyft denial video collection survey goes live today, January 24

Raul Gallegos - NAGDU rgallegos at nagdu.org
Mon Jan 24 14:35:44 UTC 2022

Hello everyone, starting today, we are collecting your experiences if you 
are denied service by a Lyft driver because you are traveling with your 
guide dog or other service animal. The collection period starts today, 
January 24 and will go until Sunday, January 30. You can find the link to 
the form, as well as the recording for the NAGDU town hall, from this link: 

 While this week's information collection project is for Lyft denials 
specifically, we still encourage you to fill out the rideshare survey at 
www.nfb.org/rideshare for all rideshare denials regardless of whether they 
are on Lyft or Uber.

Thanks all.

Raul Gallegos - President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
346-439-7444 | RGallegos at nagdu.org

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