[NAGDU] Division meeting

Heather Bird heather.l.bird at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 06:41:38 UTC 2022

So, just to clarify, the only reason that I was coming in loud and clear on the seminar was, because I, myself was on zoom. If I had been present in the room, I have a feeling I would not have been nearly so clear. I do have a few thoughts. What is that, I understand that the minutes for the meeting are approved at the next year‘s annual meeting, so it convention in 2023. However, if the meeting minutes were prepared say within the next month or so, they could be released on the nagdu list or made available on the website, as a transcript, as it were, I’ll be at a shortened version, that those unable to hear over zoom could read. It also occurs to me, that much like Vision, being totally cited is pretty easy, and being totally blind can actually be pretty easy, but having “low vision “or some usable vision, can actually be more challenging than either end of the spectrum. Drawing a parallel, I think being in person can be easy, being fully virtual can be easy, but doing hybrid, can be especially challenging. Several people have mentioned how grateful they are to have been able to participate over zoom, and have also mentioned that not all divisions allowed participation in this way. I would add to that, a few divisions allowed more participation, many allowed much less, there seems to be a range of responses among divisions and groups. I would urge anyone who does happen to be a member of the NFB to make your thoughts, ideas, and needs, known not only to your division, or divisions to which you belong, but also to the national office. Speaking more generally I would say that in many large nationwide organizations, over the next couple of years, how, and if, and when, hybrid options are made available, and how people respond to them, demand them, and give feedback on them, will set the course for the future of virtual and hybrid options for large conventions, seminars, and other such large scale events, not only in the NFB, but in other blindness organizations, and organizations that have nothing to do with blindness, such as professional conventions, trade shows, etc. I do have one concrete suggestion, but it may prove to be totally irrelevant, as I tend to come up with creative ideas, which are sometimes good ideas, but I do not have the tech savvy to know if this idea has any merit or not. As evidenced by the treasurers report for the division, nag do does have some money at their discretion to spend. Would it be possible, to spend some of that money on a little bit of technology, something interchangeable, that would help with virtual or hybrid participation in the future. For instance, one or two high-quality wireless headsets, something with a boom microphone that could be used even if you’re wearing a mask, and that would not risk contamination, that is, no earbuds, so the headset could be given from one person to another, depending on which person is presenting. Or, perhaps some sort of wireless microphone that could be used in addition to the one provided by the venue, maybe something small that could even be clipped onto the larger microphone, but this microphone would be paired with a laptop or a smart phone. Just to clarify, I’m not suggesting that headsets or other technology be passed around to every single audience member who is speaking, that’s not feasible, but enough for the main host, or the host plus one or two presenters, would be very helpful. Or, the individual holding the smart phone, could get to their feet, stand up, and at least move closer to the crowd, with a physical microphone that could be pointed in the direction of whichever audience member is speaking. I think if divisions rely purely on the efforts of the national office, and, or, the resources of the convention center at which they happen to be hosted, such equipment is not likely to be available ever, or at least not very often. If this is something the board would consider looking into over the next year, I think that would be fantastic. Hell, depending on the price tag, I might be willing to make a donation to cover some of the equipment out of pocket, because it’s very important to me that people be able to participate virtually.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 8, 2022, at 7:53 PM, Michael Hingson via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> It was indeed great to have the ability to listen remotely. The sound problem was simply that the microphone was much too far away from speakers. Also, as others have pointed out, there was technology talking in the background. Those things happen.
> Best Regards,
> Michael Hingson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Debbie Malone via NAGDU
> Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 3:23 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Debbie Malone <dmalone510 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Division meeting
> I too and very grateful for the opportunity to participate virtually.
> Unfortunately, even with headphones is very difficult for me to hear what was going on. I had to leave the meeting early cuz I really was getting enough out of nothing out of it. That being said I do appreciate the effort. I hope we can get a transcript or a good recording or something for both sessions. I would love to listen or at least review it again. Thank you so much for the effort it's truly appreciated.
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2022, 5:23 PM judotina48kg--- via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hello: I appreciate that NAGDU provided virtual participants an 
>> opportunity to listen in and also be heard at both the Seminar and the 
>> Business Meeting.
>> Thank you.
>> Tina Thomas
>> P.S. Congratulations to the newly elected  Board members.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Al Sten-Clanton via
>> Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 11:22 AM
>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users' <
>> nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: albert.e.sten_clanton at verizon.net
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Division meeting
>> Greetings!
>> I thought the main problem was that speakers often weren't close enough to
>> the microphone.  On Tuesday, Heather was the only person I heard clearly
>> throughout the presentation.  Last night, I left early because I literally
>> couldn't understand one of the speakers--maybe Marco, but I'm not sure.
>> I appreciate nonetheless that NAGDU did include us virtual registrants.  I
>> don't think many others did.
>> Best!
>> Al
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Debbe Gabe via NAGDU
>> Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 11:39 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <
>> nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: Debbe Gabe <debbiegabe at live.com>
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Division meeting
>> Yes, but maybe one of us listening on zoom could have suggested that in a
>> nice way. Maybe he didn't realize how loud his screenreader was on zoom.
>> Holding a hybrid meeting  is not easy  because of the technological
>> challenges. So I appreciate the fact that they tried.
>> The technology and expense is why the NFB of Hawaii held our state
>> convention on zoom rather than as a hybrid this year. We didn't want to pay
>> for the extra technology and devices, etc to make the hybrid zoom a good
>> quality.
>> So let's appreciate the effort, because at least they tried, when most
>> other divisions did not even try.
>> Debbie Gabe
>> NFB of Hawaii
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of robert stigile via
>> Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 4:18 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <
>> nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: robert stigile <rstigile at gmail.com>; Tracy Carcione <
>> carcione at access.net>
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Division meeting
>> Tracy,
>> I appreciated having the zoom as well.
>> It would have been a lot better if the person moderating had been using
>> headphones so we didnt have to hear his voiceover.
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Stigile, Second Vice-President
>> National Federation of the Blind of California President San Fernando
>> Valley Chapter
>> 818-381-9568
>>> On Jul 8, 2022, at 7:10 AM, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>>> I really appreciate the board's decision to broadcast the 2 NAGDU
>>> meetings at convention over Zoom for those of us who couldn't come.
>>> The sound wasn't perfect, but, once I switched to listening with a
>>> headset, I caught most of it, and it was good information.
>>> Tracy
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