[NAGDU] A Thanksgiving topic for discussion

Cindy Ray cindyray at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 02:02:30 UTC 2022

I don’t gie special extra treats to my dogs. They aren’t really aware of what the day is. Most of mine have had a fat tendency, so I was careful about it.  I prefer to have my dogs remain expecting only what they usually get.

Cindy Lou Ray
Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 24, 2022, at 3:05 PM, Raul Gallegos - NAGDU via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone, first off, Happy Thanksgiving to everybody who celebrates it. If you don't, I still hope you have a great day no matter what. Now, as to the topic for discussion, I would like to hear pros and cons, do's and don'ts, concerning the topic of giving your guide dog a special extra treat on thanksgiving. Whether this is a dog treat, a sweet potato, a dog breath treat, or turkey from Thanksgiving dinner, let's have some positive discussions as to why people do and don't, or whether people do or don't do this.
> I can even go first. With a few dogs in the past, I have occasionally given them a small piece of turkey. However, I no longer do this, and my current guide dog does not get any. Instead, I might give him an extra sweet potato treat that I know is fine for his stomach and digestive system. Let's remember, positive discussions and no right or wrong answers here based on philosophy or beliefs.
> --
> Raul Gallegos - President
> National Association of Guide Dog Users
> 346-439-7444 | RGallegos at nagdu.org
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