[NAGDU] 2023 Convention announcements from NAGDU
Stacie Gallegos
sgallegos at nagdu.org
Tue Jun 27 04:42:40 UTC 2023
Greetings from the National Association of Guide Dog Users,
We hope this email finds everyone gearing up for what promises to be a fun-filled and memorable convention. This email contains several items of interest to guide dog users. Therefore, we ask that you read this email in its entirety. To make reading easier, we have separated the information into categories, which can be easily accessed using heading navigation.
NAGDU At the 2023 National Convention
NAGDU will be holding 2 meetings during this year’s National Convention. All times are Central. First is our annual seminar on Saturday, July 1, 2023. This year’s theme is Advocating for Guide Dog Users… Tools and Strategies for Success.
Date: Saturday, July 1, 2023.
Time: 1–2 PM, onsite registration and networking. 2–5 PM, main seminar.
Location: Lanier Grand Ballroom K.
Second is our NAGDU Annual Business Meeting on Monday, July 3, 2023. Come learn what NAGDU and the various state guide dog user divisions have been up to this year, hear from our legal department, and elect our leaders.
Date: Monday, July 3, 2023.
Time: 6–7 PM, onsite registration and networking. 7–10 PM, main meeting.
Location: Room 335 A.
The agenda for the seminar and business meetings will be shared prior to July 1. While registration is not required, it is highly recommended. Everyone who registers is also eligible to win door prizes. To register, visit this link: https://nagdu.org/national-convention
If you are unable to attend one or both of the meetings in person, you can join using Zoom.
· Meeting ID: 867 1946 5547
· Direct link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86719465547
· One-tap mobile: +13462487799,,86719465547#
While everyone is welcome to attend the annual NAGDU business meeting, only dues-paying members attending in person are eligible to vote. Those who wish to vote this year must pay their dues by Saturday, July 1. If you have already paid dues to a state affiliate guide dog user division, you are recognized as a NAGDU member. If you wish to pay dues directly to NAGDU, visit this link: https://bit.ly/nagdu-member
NAGDU Goodie Bags:
Once again, NAGDU is selling goodie bags for your guide dog. Bags will be sold at the NAGDU Seminar and the Annual Business Meeting. If you purchase the bags in-person, the cost is $5 per bag – correct change is appreciated. If you are interested in purchasing a goodie bag but you will not be attending in person, you can still order one by filling out the form at https://bit.ly/nagdu-goodie-bags. The cost for bags that are shipped to you is $10 per bag. All goodie bags will be shipped after convention.
Guide Dog Relief Area
As mentioned in the main convention agenda, https://nfb.org/convention, the guide dog relief area is located outside of the East doors of the Hilton-Americas hotel. Once again, NAGDU has taken steps to ensure that this area is easy to access and will be maintained daily. For those who are staying at the Marriott next door, the dog relief area is located across the street from the hotel at Discovery Green. If you are interested in making a donation for the dog relief fund, please contact the NAGDU Secretary, Stacie Gallegos at 832-779-7477 or sgallegos at nagdu.org <mailto:sgallegos at nagdu.org>.
Food For Your Dog
For those who are coming to convention without packing their dog’s food, there are several local options in Houston to take advantage of. Local delivery services like Wal-Mart, Instacart, Shipt, and Uber Eats are available. Another service that is local to Texas is called Favor. All of these services have apps for iOS and Android which are accessible. The advantage of using a local delivery service like this is that many of them can bring dog food from a local store, including Costco, Petco, PetSmart, and the local grocery store, H.E.B. Because the services are no different than ordering groceries or fast food, there is nothing special you have to do other than meet the driver in the main lobby of the hotel. Please be aware that if you have dog food delivered through a shipping carrier, like ordering from Amazon or Chewy, the hotel FedEx office will charge a receiving fee, which is completely separate than what you already paid for the food and shipping itself.
Emergency Vet Information
NAGDU is excited to announce that we have secured an emergency vet option. While we certainly hope that no one has to take their dog into the vet while visiting Texas, we are comforted in knowing that your guide dog will receive the absolute best services possible away from home. NAGDU’s first dog, Larry, has been a long-time patient and fan. The name of the vet is Ready Pet Animal Hospital. Their address is 8423 Stella Link Rd, Houston, TX 77035. Their phone number is 281-888-4610. Their website is https://readypet.webflow.io/
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Houston soon. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to board at nagdu.org <mailto:board at nagdu.org>. You can also call or text 346-439-7444.
<mailto:board at nagdu.org>
Stacie Gallegos / Secretary
National Association of Guide Dog Users
(346) 439-7444 | SGallegos at nagdu.org
“You can live the life you want. Blindness is not what holds you back.”
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