[NAGDU] more like a golden? (was Delta Service Animal Form)
Joy Relton
joy.relton at icloud.com
Wed Jan 10 03:42:49 UTC 2024
Thanks. I got a chuckle out of that. I'm glad that Sheldon has not had to deal with that problem. I am also glad that I was able to keep things low key and Vicky does not seem to be traumatized by it.
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Al Sten-Clanton via NAGDU
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 6:18 PM
To: Joy Relton via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Al Sten-Clanton <albert.e.sten_clanton at verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] more like a golden? (was Delta Service Animal Form)
Hey, Joy, thanks for that. Sheldon's been quite playful all along, but he's been in the same place and with no troublesome pitbulls around.
Wags from Sheldon.
On 1/9/24 20:26, Joy Relton via NAGDU wrote:
> Hi Al,
> When I first got Vicky her fur was pretty silky and more like a Golden. As the years went by I felt more of the lab-like coarser hair. Now that we are in Oregon where we walk in more rain and she is on a fish oil supplement her fur feels fluffier and fuller again--more like a Golden. She has also become a little more silly and playful than she was before. This is no doubt in part because we are living in an area where we can do more walking to different places and there are no longer two big pit bulls on the other side of the fence charging at it. I am really enjoying her more puppy-like playfulness and her fluffiness. She is still black and looks a looks a little Golden in the face. It's fun to see her original personality coming out more again. She's also enjoying taking the buses and trains as am I.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Al Sten-Clanton via NAGDU
> Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 7:53 PM
> To: Joy Relton via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Al Sten-Clanton <albert.e.sten_clanton at verizon.net>
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] more like a golden? (was Delta Service Animal Form)
> Just because I'm curious and have a similar cross, what are the things that make Vicky feel more and more like a golden?
> Al
> On 1/8/24 20:44, Joy Relton via NAGDU wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> I have flown Delta as well. One of the things that I learned which is not immediately apparent, is that there is a place on the reservation page where you can click to attach the TSA accessibility form. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the exact name of the page right now, but, once that was done I had no problems. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you carry a hard copy of your TSA documentation including the rabies vaccination information. I agree with you about the form being valid until the rabies vaccination has expired. I will be flying with Alaska Airlines, assuming the planes are no longer grounded and the reservation process was painless so far.
>> I used to fly United a lot but was one of those people who they tried to make wear a special button on their shirt which somehow ended up in a trash can. So, I flew less. I have flown South West without problems as well as Delta, Alaska and a few others, but it is a bit of a crap shoot. I recommend that you bring hard copies of all of the paperwork, remain calm and assume that you know what is supposed to happen even though the one across the counter does not. I just smile and say something like "thank you. I appreciate what you are saying, however, this is what I need to happen. Thank you." Most of the time that happens.
>> I'm learning to breathe deeply and recognize that the person across is probably well meaning but clueless and paid less than I was when I worked, or, for that matter, than what I am worth, especially when it comes to my rights as a blind person using a dog guide. My dad used to say "you don't have to prove how smart or rich you are, it's there whether they realize it or not." He was saying, be confident, calm and know your rights and responsibilities and go forward with kindness, confidence and competence.
>> Joy and Vicky the black labrador/golden cross who is feeling more and more like a golden.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Bryan Gearry via NAGDU
>> Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 5:22 PM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: Bryan Gearry <bgearry at alaskafrontier.net>
>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Delta Service Animal Form
>> Mike, I just got done flying a couple of trips with Delta. One of the tricks I have found is to call their accessibility desk. The agents are very empathetic about helping you out. I'm not defending Delta but have learned some "tricks". I'm telling you this as my last trip was a nightmare with them. Delta had all my information associated with my ticket, but agent at check in insisted in seeing a hard copy of the DOT forms. Caused quite a stir. The counter agent was very naive about traveling with a Guide Dog. What the accessibility people tell me is that once you have filled out the form, it is valid on all trips until rabies expire. I think that holds true for most airlines. Even though Alaska Air uses a 3rd party, they say the same thing. No need to fill out the form on every trip till rabies expire. Because of this incident, I now keep a hard copy of the filled out DOT form with me when I travel.
>> If you need Delta's accessibility desk phone, e-mail me direct and I will send it to you.
>> On 1/8/2024 1:30 PM, Melissa Allman via NAGDU wrote:
>>> Hi Mike. I don’t fly Delta either just because it doesn’t make sense for me but I have to say I agree with you based on what I’ve seen of their process and are constituents who fly Delta it does seem to not be intuitive at all. You could consider filing a complaint with the department of transportation. Just a thought.
>>> I fly United regularly and their process is very manageable.
>>> MelissaSent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jan 8, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Michael Forzano via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I've flown just about every major airline with my dog since the new
>>>> regulations took effect and no process has been more difficult than
>>>> Delta's. I actually flew Delta back in October on a flight booked
>>>> less than
>>>> 48 hours in advance, and no one even asked me about the form. This
>>>> time there is more notice and I just spent over half an hour trying
>>>> to figure out their process. The accessibility service request form
>>>> was difficult to find, the form itself required a lot of extra
>>>> information on top of the DOT form not to mention having
>>>> accessibility issues with dropdowns and the file upload button. While
>>>> trying to use the airport selection dropdown, the form actually
>>>> allowed me to submit without all the fields being filled in requiring me to start the whole thing over again.
>>>> Have others had similar experiences? I actually wonder if they are
>>>> out of compliance with the regulations given they require a 5-step
>>>> form to be filled out on top of the DOT form.
>>>> Honestly I won't fly Delta regularly given I'd have to do this much
>>>> work every time. At least American, JetBlue and Alaska provide a
>>>> service animal ID that can be reused across flights. I don't remember
>>>> United's process being this complicated either.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mike
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