[NAGDU] Seeing Eye training techniques

Sean Moore seanmoore87 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 23:57:22 UTC 2024

I don't  know  if  I should  chime  in  or not.  but  for me gaving  
gone  through  " Traditional training" with  my  first and  second dogs  
from  Southeastern and  now  Guide DOgs  for the Blind GDB who  uses  
food reward as  re-enforcement, Augie  only normally  gets  a food 
reward  at a  down curb and up curb  to re-enforce  that  they  are  
Desirable targets.  I use  food reward  for  personal  targets  I 
always  wnat  him  to stop  at and  I feel like he's a smarter dog  
with  using the  food reward   In conjunction with his great memory 
stuff for.

the  clicker is  used  to  Teach new  targets and  then rewarded for  
finding it that  first  few times.


Sean Moore  and  Guide Dog: Augie

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