[NAGDU] Introduction

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Fri Jun 21 23:08:02 UTC 2024

Hi All, 


I would like to introduce myself to everyone as one of the new mods and tell
you a little bit about my life! 


Let me start off by thanking Cindy for all of the work she has done over the
years with our NAGDU list! Cindy you had a tough job at times, but you did a
great job! Shannon and I have some big shoes to fill as mods for this group!


My name is Steve Cook and my wife is Shannon Cook, this October we will be
married 21 years. I will let her tell more about herself in another message.
I am 57 years old and I am working my 3rd guide from Fidelco and his name is
Scooby! I am currently employed with the SC Commission for the Blind and my
job title is Statewide service Manager and Assistive Technology Consultant,
this December will be 20 years with our agency. 


I currently moderate our SC affiliate list serve, our Computer Science &
Technology Division and SC Association of Guide Dog Users Division list
serve which I am the president of both divisions, I have some personal list
that I have created that I also moderate over. I am totally blind and use
JAWS on my Windows computer and I love my iPhone! I enjoy reading all
different types of books, my wife and I try to see which one of us reads the
most books in a year. She normally reads more than me, LOL! 


More to come in the future! My contact information is below in my signature.


Lets all work together with keeping our list on topic and assisting each
other with advice!


Steve Cook

C: 803 260 1292

Email: scook at nagdu.org <mailto:scook at nagdu.org> 

NAGDU National Board Member

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