[NAGDU] Important FYI 2023 NAGDU Annual Board Meeting Minutes Attached
Shane Popplestone
spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 17:09:02 UTC 2024
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Shane Popplestone
spopplestone.nfb at gmail.com
You can live the life you want!
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Stacie Gallegos via NAGDU
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2024 12:33 PM
To: NAGDU List <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Stacie Gallegos <sgallegos at nagdu.org>; NAGDU <board at nagdu.org>
Subject: [NAGDU] Important FYI 2023 NAGDU Annual Board Meeting Minutes Attached
Hello Everyone,
It’s hard to believe that we will be in Orlando this time next week. Please find attached, and also pasted below my signature, the minutes from the 2023 NAGDU Annual Business Meeting. These minutes will be read and voted on for approval during this year’s Annual Business Meeting. We are looking forward to seeing some of you in Orlando. Safe travels.
Stacie Gallegos / Secretary
National Association of Guide Dog Users
(346) 439-7444 | SGallegos at nagdu.org
“You can live the life you want. Blindness is not what holds you back.”
National Association of Guide Dog Users, Inc.
2023 Annual Business Meeting Minutes
National Federation of the Blind Convention: Houston, Texas
Date: July 7, 2023
Hilton Americas, Houston, Texas, Room 335 A.
The annual business meeting was called to order at 7 PM Central Time.
NAGDU board members present were President Raul Gallegos, Vice President Paul Sandoval, Secretary Stacie Gallegos, Treasurer Jessica Snyder, Board Member Al Elia, and Board Member Steve Cook.
The meeting opened with Raul welcoming everyone to this year’s convention.
NFB Pledge: Amanda Juetten from Tennessee read the NFB Pledge.
Raul acknowledged and thanked Ready Pet for serving as the emergency vet during the convention.
Meeting logistics: Paul reviewed with everyone the logistics for this year’s meeting.
Secretary’s Report: Stacie read the NAGDU annual business meeting minutes from the 2022 national convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The minutes were approved with minor corrections.
Treasurers Report: Jessica read the 2023 NAGDU Annual Treasurers Report. The report was approved.
Guest Speaker: Dannielle McCann from the NFB National Office Dannielle McCann shared information about the Museum Project.
Proposed Name: Museum of the Blind People’s Movement (This is not the final name.)
• The museum will be housed at the National Headquarters in Baltimore.
• It will have accessibility built in from the ground up.
• The museum will not be a Civil Rights museum but will be a living and changing history of our movement.
• It will be similar to the tenBroek Library.
• Medical artifacts and information on solving blindness will not be accepted.
• Historical items related to blindness are being collected.
• The museum will feature different spaces and will include audio and video components.
• Danielle mentioned that the Honor Roll is a great way for chapters and divisions to contribute funds to help with the museum project.
• To be on the Honor Roll, pledges of $10,000 can be made, with the option to split the donation into separate payments over a period of time.
• Raul expressed interest in the possibility of including different types of harnesses used in the past in the museum.
• Everyone was encouraged to send their ideas for the museum to the NFB National Office. Danielle shared her email address: dmccann at nfb.org.
• Raul proposed that NAGDU make a pledge of $10,000, to be split over a 10-year period. A motion was made and approved.
Action: Raul will check with Patty Chang regarding the next steps.
NAGDU Annual Report
Raul shared with the membership the Presidential Report from the past year.
• NAGDU continues reaching out and spreading awareness about the division.
• NAGDU attended several state conventions and guide dog user group meetings in the following affiliates: Ohio, Utah,, Iowa, Alaska, Nebraska, and Maryland.
• NAGDU continues to host Yappy Hour, Guide Dog Matters, and the monthly Board of Directors meetings.
• NAGDU continues to work on legal matters pertaining to guide dog users.
• NAGDU continues to have a strong presence on social media. In addition to NAGDU Facebook and X (formally Twitter), NAGDU is also now on Mastodon.
• NAGDU continues to support the NFB National Organization through our annual PAC Plan donations, Giving Tuesday Campaign, and honor rollcall donations.
• Once again this year, NAGDU sponsored 2 guide dog user teams with a $500 gift card to assist with a portion of their convention expenses. This year's winners were Amanda Juetten from Tennessee, and Roger Sullivan from Pennsylvania.
Guide Dog User Affiliate Division Reports • Colorado: Paul Sandoval reported that COAGDU recently held their seminar at CCB. There were over 80 participants in attendance. Participants got to experience Juno walks and take part in other breakout sessions.
• Connecticut: Maryanne Melley reported that she continues to share information from NAGDU with members of her affiliate.
• Nebraska: Maura Loberg reported that members in Nebraska are organizing a guide dog user committee.
• New York: Heather Bird reported that members are planning a memorial service to remember guide dogs who have passed away. She is hoping to hold a workshop on canine first-aid and CPR.
• South Carolina: Steve Cook reported that this is a newly formed division. The division, SCAGDU, meets regularly. The division is focusing on increasing their membership.
• Tennessee: Amanda Juetten reported that they hold quarterly meetings.
• Texas: Liz Campbell reported that TXAGDU is focusing on advocacy related to guide dog users. TXAGDU is in the process of planning a seminar which will be held in the Reo Grand Valley, RGV.
• Wisconsin: Joseph Schumann reported that they recently held their annual board meeting at their state convention. They will be planning virtual and in-person awareness events for guide dog users.
• Maryland: Sherry Shirek reported that MD now has a guide dog user committee. The committee was formed last year. They have put together some public service announcements, PSAs about guide dog users. They were able to get a resolution past that affords retired guide dogs the same rights as a working guide dog in the home.
Legal Updates: Al Elia reported on the following.
Flying: Al shared that he has been working with senate and congressional staff regarding the Department of Transportation, DOT, form, that many guide dog users must fill out when requested by the airlines when traveling.
Something that is being proposed would be a program like the TSA pre-check. This would be optional and would cost individuals to pay a $25 fee for a 5-year period. This proposal if approved, would be a pilot program. Al reported that he had a meeting with the DOT in September to discuss the ACAA regulations. However, the person from DOT did not show up. Al also shared that he is in the process of submitting to the DOT, a request for airline officials to be on hand and allowed to assist guide dog users who have difficulty completing the required attestation forms.
Al shared information about the survey NAGDU has developed. He encouraged everyone to help spread the word, and also to complete the survey themselves. The information gathered will be shared with the DOT.
Rideshare Update: Al reported that he and members of the Advocacy Team from the NFB National Office have been meeting with Uber and Lyft to voice our frustrations regarding the continued denials of guide dog users who use these services. Al also said that he has been a part of a work group. This workgroup is working on putting together a proposal that will help to reduce rideshare denials of guide dog users. Al reminded everyone that whenever there is a denial because of traveling with a guide dog, riders should fill out the rideshare survey at www.nfb.org/rideshare <http://www.nfb.org/rideshare>, followed by filing a complaint with the Department of Justice, DOJ at https://civilrights.justice.gov/report/. Time was spent with questions and answers.
Action: NAGDU will make plans to hold a townhall event to answer questions related to rideshare and ACAA updates.
NAGDU Membership: Stacie and Jessica shared information about NAGDU membership. NAGDU will begin following a calendar year for its membership. If you are a member of a state affiliate guide dog user division, you are recognized by NAGDU as a member. For those who paid their NAGDU membership dues at this year’s convention, they are considered as paid through December 31, 2024. Going forward, membership dues received are good for that calendar year and must be renewed each following year and are good from January 1 through December 31 of that same year.
2023 NAGDU Elections
Steve Cook presented this year’s nomination committee report. The committee recommended the following individuals for re-election.
Vice President: Paul Sandoval, from Colorado
Treasurer: Jessica, from Ohio
Al Elia, from New York
Elections were held after the report. The 2-year terms begin at the conclusion of the NFB National Convention.
The NAGDU board is as follows:
• President: Raul Gallegos, Texas, 2022 - 2024 • Vice President: Paul Sandoval, Colorado, 2023 - 2025 • Secretary: Stacie Gallegos, Texas, 2022 - 2024 • Treasurer: Jessica Snyder, Ohio, 2023 - 2025 • Board Member: Al Elia, New York, 2023 - 2025 • Board Member: Steve Cook, South Carolina, 2022 - 2024 • Board Member: Brianna Murray, New Jersey, 2022 - 2024
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM Central time.
Minutes submitted by,
Stacie Gallegos, NAGDU Secretary
secretary at nagdu.org <mailto:secretary at nagdu.org> | (346) 439-7444 www.nagdu.org <http://www.nagdu.org/>
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