[NAGDU] Uber and Self-Identification

Raul Gallegos - NAGDU rgallegos at nagdu.org
Sat Nov 2 13:53:56 UTC 2024

Good morning. It is possible that Outlook did some Microsoft idiocy and screwed up the link. I have pasted it below and let's see if this one works.

Raul Gallegos / President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
346.439.7444 | RGallegos at nagdu.org

Nov 2, 2024 8:50:17 AM Angela L Griffith via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>:

> Can you possibly double-check the URL and resend? This link doesn't appear
> to be working as expected.
> Thanks,
> Angela
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Raul Gallegos - NAGDU
> via NAGDU
> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2024 9:35 PM
> To: NAGDU List <nagdu at nfbnet.org>; nfb-nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Raul Gallegos - NAGDU <rgallegos at nagdu.org>; 'NAGDU' <board at nagdu.org>
> Subject: [NAGDU] Uber and Self-Identification
> Hello everyone, please share this wherever appropriate.
> As many of you know, blind people continue facing ongoing rideshare denials
> when traveling with their guide dogs. As if that weren't bad enough, we are
> starting to see denials of blind people in general. Currently, when a denial
> occurs, the rider has the burden of filing a complaint, ordering a new ride,
> and beginning the process all over again. Furthermore, the rider has the
> burden of remembering to capture a screenshot, record a video, or take a
> note about the driver's name and the type of car the driver was in when the
> denial occurred. These steps are burdensome and require that the blind
> person have the necessary skillset to perform these tasks, and that the
> blind person remembers to capture as much information as possible for the
> complaint process.
> The National Federation of the Blind has been working with Uber to find the
> best methods of reducing the ongoing denials. One of these methods is by
> using an optional self-identification process to the Uber driver that we are
> traveling with a guide dog. If this is implemented correctly, whenever a
> rider chooses to self-identify to the driver, the driver will not be alerted
> to this until after the ride is accepted. Then, if the driver cancels the
> ride after accepting the ride and seeing the message, Uber will then
> automatically file the complaint on behalf of the rider, begin an
> investigation, and automatically match the rider with a new driver. This
> will eliminate the burden where the rider must do this manually using the
> current complaint methods that Uber has established.
> Let me be clear, the self-identification system that I am discussing is
> completely optional. Also, in order for this to work, Uber cannot disclose
> that the rider is traveling with a guide dog until after the driver accepts
> the ride. For example, if I am a rider who chooses to self-identify that I
> am traveling with a guide dog, I will order a ride, Uber will match me with
> a driver, the driver will accept the ride, then as the driver is
> approaching, they are notified that I am traveling with a guide dog. At this
> point, if the driver cancels the ride, Uber will assume that it's because I
> am traveling with a guide dog, and the complaint process will happen
> automatically.
> In many ways, this is no different than when a rider sends a note to the
> driver, saying something like, look for the person with the guide dog.
> However, the difference with the self-identification system is that this
> will be automatic.
> Unfortunately, Uber plans on implementing a self-identification system where
> one of the options is for the driver to be made aware that the rider is
> traveling with a guide dog before accepting the ride. By allowing the driver
> to see this information prior to accepting the ride, this defeats the
> purpose of what we are trying to accomplish and is also unlawful.
> In response, President Mark Riccobono wrote a letter to Uber where he
> outlines the problem with this approach, and where he explains how this is
> unlawful if Uber doesn't implement the self-identification system correctly.
> The link to this letter can be found from the following link.
> https://nfb.org/blog/rideshare-advocacy-unlawful-implementation-self-identif
> ication
> In closing, I am aware that there are those who are vehemently against any
> form of self-identification, whether it is to Uber, Lyft, a restaurant, or
> to an employer. While I am personally okay with self-identification if it's
> done lawfully, I would like everyone to remember that this is completely
> optional. For example, I might choose to pre-board on an airplane when
> traveling with my guide dog, but not when traveling with my cane. By
> choosing to pre-board, I am effectively self-identifying that I have a
> disability and that I am traveling with a guide dog.
> Thank you.
> -- 
> Raul Gallegos, President
> National Association of Guide Dog Users
> (346) 439-7444 . rgallegos at nagdu.org <mailto:rgallegos at nagdu.org>
> www.nfb.org <https://d.docs.live.net/df04fbdd43ea5830/Documents/www.nfb.org>
> . www.nagdu.org
> <https://d.docs.live.net/df04fbdd43ea5830/Documents/www.nagdu.org>
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> "Blindness is a characteristic, not a handicap."
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