[NAGDU] Picking up things off the floor

Julie A. Orozco kaybaycar at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 01:46:59 UTC 2024

Hi Christina,

I had a dog that picked things up all the time. Here are suggestions.

First, prevent these situations as much as possible. Do your trash cans have lids? Do you keep your floors clean as much as possible? Do you leave interesting things in low places? Of course, I know most people don't live  in spotless homes; I certainly don't, but it's helpful to evaluate your space to see what can get put up high, in a closet, in a dresser, etc. If there is something going on, like a friends dinner or party at your home, you should also consider keeping your dog on leash for the occasion. I did this with no shame for my previous dog when my little nieces were around because I could not control when they dropped food or toys, but I could control my dog's reaction to it by keeping him close to me. 

My next suggestion is to buy some toys that your dog likes and do the exchange. When your dog grabs a piece of laundry or an airpod, you swop it for a toy he can have. You literally take the bad thing out of his mouth and give him the toy if he will take it. I thought this suggestion was ridiculous at first, but it did eventually help. 

Finally, and this one may not apply to you. But my previous dog's behaviors were always much worse when he did not get enough work and/or exercise. It's like he was telling me, if you won't give me something productive to do, I'll find something to do, whether or not you like the results. So, if this sounds like your dog, make sure he is getting enough work, or try to give him more work if you can. 

Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Christina Moore via NAGDU
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2024 11:21 AM
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Cc: Christina Moore <moorechristina107 at gmail.com>
Subject: [NAGDU] Picking up things off the floor

Hello everyone,
I know it has been ages since I’ve posted here. I’m just wondering, what do you all do when your guide picks everything up off the floor not working but off leash just around your home? Also, as things drop, she will grab them before they even touch the floor or once they touch the floor. as an example, my roommate dropped their AirPod and she grabbed it. I had to get it out of her mouth.
Suggestions, or advice would be appreciated. Also, on another related note, is it possible to teach them not to go into certain rooms or is it best to just close the doors , or have a gate for rooms that don’t have a door? 
I hope this makes sense.
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