[NAGDU] Having a fit

carcione at access.net carcione at access.net
Tue Oct 22 00:02:59 UTC 2024

My husband and I are taking another trip to Ireland.  Our flight leaves
Wednesday afternoon.  I did all the paperwork for Igloo to come with me.  On
Friday, the USDA approved his health certificate.  UPS LOST it!!! 

It was supposed to arrive today, but it didn't and they can't find it.  My
husband is a phone tiger, and he got a supervisor and impressed on her how
important these papers are to us.  

Hopefully, they're at the waypoint inKentucky and will arrive tomorrow or
Wednesday morning.  If they don't, I'm screwed.  

I can see if Krokus's dogsitter can take Igloo, and use my cane, which
doesn't make me happy.  I'm used to Igloo pointing out the restaurant, or
the outside door, or the way to our room.  The older I get, the more I
appreciate that.  And, if the dogsitter doesn't want the extra $800,
unlikely but possible, one of us will have to stay here.  

I'm very upset.



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