[NAGDU] Dues
Melissa Allman
MAllman at seeingeye.org
Tue Jan 14 14:49:49 UTC 2025
Thanks Raul. This is helpful, but for what it's worth I also did not see the previous email you're referencing.
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Raul Gallegos - NAGDU via NAGDU
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 9:39 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users' <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Raul Gallegos - NAGDU <rgallegos at nagdu.org>; 'NAGDU Board' <board at nagdu.org>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Dues
Hello. I thought that a message went out earlier this month about this. I will have Stacie Gallegos follow0-up about this. However, to answer your question, Dues are $5 per person per year and yes, now is a good time to pay dues. You can pay using Zelle or PayPal using 346-439-7444 or treasurer at nagdu.org. The form and more information is found here, https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=nagdu.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9uYWdkdS5vcmcvTWVtYmVyc2hpcCUyMEluZm9ybWF0aW9u&i=NjI1ZDgxMTcwOTJkZmIxMTY4Yjg5YmVj&t=MFcwY21INUM0MmpJNlg5QkV0aWwrM1JuTlNSUUEzc0MrNG03V0lQRmVOST0=&h=33015af0ce7e40509efd8e490f5064c0&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbhg2ccKTTmDzPWPipY7ki5gHWxWWA-XVK0a7HioI1KmA
Please note that when you pay your dues, please send an email to Jessica Snyder, treasurer at nagdu.org, with your name, your state, and your phone number and email address, and let her know how you paid your dues so she can record it properly.
Raul Gallegos, President
National Association of Guide Dog Users
(346) 439-7444 . rgallegos at nagdu.org
https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=nfb.org&u=d3d3Lm5mYi5vcmc=&i=NjI1ZDgxMTcwOTJkZmIxMTY4Yjg5YmVj&t=VkhuV0g1V3hIMExGeHFEUElNdk9jQ20rK2RrSTRsdzVPcytOUmhTb3pNMD0=&h=33015af0ce7e40509efd8e490f5064c0&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbhg2ccKTTmDzPWPipY7ki5gHWxWWA-XVK0a7HioI1KmA . https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=nagdu.org&u=d3d3Lm5hZ2R1Lm9yZw==&i=NjI1ZDgxMTcwOTJkZmIxMTY4Yjg5YmVj&t=bmlvdHdvUXl1eEhnWDR0dFRQTHlQalZMYkIzcUx5ZEpEeUpqVU95MC9NVT0=&h=33015af0ce7e40509efd8e490f5064c0&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVbhg2ccKTTmDzPWPipY7ki5gHWxWWA-XVK0a7HioI1KmA
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-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU <nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Tracy Carcione via NAGDU
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 8:18 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: carcione at access.net
Subject: [NAGDU] Dues
Is it time to pay dues? Didn't all divisions move to paying dues in January?
If so, what's the web address again for the form and payment?
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