[NAGDU] Glad to be on this list!

Al Sten-Clanton albert.e.sten_clanton at verizon.net
Thu Jan 16 23:26:53 UTC 2025

Hi, Sidney, and welcome to the list.  I note that Chris was my 
instructor when I went to Seeing Eye in 2005 for my fourth dog.  I liked 
him, and I really loved the dog he brought to me.

Al Sten-Clanton

On 1/16/25 17:22, Sidney Horn via NAGDU wrote:
> Hi!
> My name is Sidney, and I'm 19-years-old. I decided to join this list because ever since late August, into September, I've been doing tons of research on guide dogs. I even talked to some friends about them and my Mom told me since I am going off to college next year at a university, to reconsider the idea of having one. Now my parents weren't trying to push me by any means, but they at least wanted me to do some more looking into it.
> Starting in September, I initiated an application with The Seeing Eye. I quickly got a response from them, filled out the paperwork, got my letter of recommendations sent in from certain people, and then had my interview with their manager with admissions in October.
> I had a juno walk and interview with one of their instructors back in December. His name is Chris Mattoon.
> I did also look into other schools as well, like Guide Dogs for the Blind and GDF Guide Dog Foundation.) While yes, I did like their programs, I wanted to stick with Seeing Eye. They are the oldest school, they were quick to respond and get me in, and they definitely seem like they know what their doing.
> As for the other schools, they had extremely long wait lists, and I'll be starting at a university in the fall of this year actually.
> I've watched lots of videos and read up on lots of things about guide dogs. While they're furry little fluffy guides, they also make wonderful companions, and that is just what I need with going off to college.
> On the flip side, though, I have definitely heard lots about rideshare denials... I'm in a Facebook group called Guide Dog Handlers Network. I joined to hear about others experiences, pros, cons, concerns, ETC.
> I have 2 dogs at home, but they're just pet dogs. Not working dogs. I do realize and understand there's a major difference there.
> How have all of your experiences been with your dogs? I feel like denials can happen anywhere, but it seems like you see them more often in a bigger city. Is that right?
> Sidney
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