[NAGDU] Important FYI 2025 NAGDU Membership Dues

Stacie Gallegos sgallegos at nagdu.org
Sat Jan 18 00:26:59 UTC 2025

Hello from the National Association of Guide Dog Users. We hope that the new year has gotten off to a great start for everyone. If you attended last year’s NAGDU Annual Meeting, you would remember that we shared information regarding NAGDU membership and paying annual dues. Effective immediately, and moving forward, NAGDU membership will be on a calendar year. This process is followed by all NFB affiliates and divisions. If you are a member of a state affiliate guide dog user division, and pay dues to the division, you are recognized as a NAGDU member.    
The 2025NAGDU Membership Drive is officially open. We will be accepting membership dues through February 10, 2025.  Dues are $5 per person per year, and your membership will be good through December 31, 2025. Affiliates who have a guide dog user division must submit a copy of their current membership roster to the NAGDU treasurer no later than March 1, 2025. For those affiliates who hold their conventions past this deadline, you will need to submit a copy of your current membership roster, and an updated roster by May 15, 2025. Payment information:
For payments made using PayPal or Zelle please use treasurer at nagdu.org <http://nagdu.org/>. If you would like to send your dues via physical check, please contact treasurer at nagdu.org <http://nagdu.org/> for mailing information. If you are unsure if you paid at National convention, or are listed as part of your state affiliate, or you would like to discuss other forms of payment, please also contact the treasurer to enquire. When paying your Dues, please be sure to include your name, phone number, email address, and your state affiliate. We hope to see many of you in New Orleans  for this year’s National Convention.
Stacie Gallegos / Secretary
National Association of Guide Dog Users
Https://www.nagdu.org <https://www.nagdu.org/>
(346) 439-7444  |  SGallegos at nagdu.org <mailto:SGallegos at nagdu.org>
“You can live the life you want. Blindness is not what holds you back.”

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