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<p><p>Greetings Tracy
<p>Some of you may have already heard that the New Year has started out with a few challenges here at GDB. There has been an outbreak of the Parvo virus in our San Rafael Kennel. The Parvo virus has only affected our puppy population; adult dogs are vaccinated against the virus. Due to this situation, the San Rafael campus will not be able to fulfill any boarding requests at this time. If you have a need to board your Guide, please call Graduate Services and other arrangements can be worked out for you.</p>
<p>We would appreciate your not adding to the number of calls our staff is handling to ask questions about the situation. We are providing regular updates via a link on our homepage.</p>
<p>Please see the message below from acting CEO Morgan Watkins for more information on this situation.</p>
<p>On Thursday, December 30, a few of our puppies in the San Rafael kennel became suddenly quite ill. A rapid diagnosis of Canine Parvo Virus was made and concerted efforts were initiated to offer the best medical help available and to isolate potentially infected dogs. Dr. Jeff Williams and all his team, along with Kathy Fenger and her kennel support staff, went immediately into high gear. Other staff and volunteers made themselves available to assist. Because of their carefully coordinated efforts, we have managed to catch the illness quickly in newly affected dogs and have transferred the more critically ill pups to local emergency care facilities. Using these outside facilities to help keep the sick puppies isolated from our healthier dogs has been essential and the pups are receiving excellent care.</p>
<p>Parvo is a very dangerous disease that can spread rapidly through a canine population. In order to keep our dogs healthy, we always keep their vaccinations up to date, including the ones that protect against Parvo. However, there is a small window of opportunity for this virus. From the time that puppies are old enough for their first Parvo vaccination until they are fully immunized against the disease at 16 weeks, there is a chance that a puppy exposed to the disease could become very ill. It is why we are so careful with our puppies and why we advise our puppy raisers to keep their charges away from other dogs during this vulnerable time.</p>
<p>Over the last week, approximately 30 dogs have shown symptoms and some are in critical condition. Five puppies have not survived. And, we know of two puppies in raisers' homes that have also fallen ill with Parvo. No adult dogs have been affected and dog training and student classes are going forward as scheduled.</p>
<p>Understandably, we need to monitor our kennel operations even more carefully until we feel confident that we are past this outbreak. We need people to avoid going to the San Rafael kennel unless prior arrangements have been made. Although properly vaccinated adult dogs should not be at significant risk from Parvo, we have asked staff and volunteers to leave their non-working dogs at home.</p>
<p>Thank you very much for your assistance as we manage the Parvo outbreak. We will keep you posted.</p>
<p>Morgan Watkins</p>
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