[Ncabs] NCABs August Conference Call!

Gary H. Ray ghray at mindspring.com
Fri Aug 7 18:15:17 UTC 2009

Hello!  Gary Ray here.  I have been unable to attend the recent conference
calls bit amazingly, I will be able to attend next Tuesday fro 9 to 10.
I need to get specific info for the program for your events.  For example,
about your game night thing and you business meeting.
From: Brice Smith [mailto:brsmith24 at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 1:29 PM
To: ncabs at nfbnet.org
Subject: NCABs August Conference Call!
Hello Everyone,

I hope all of your summer plans and activities are going well. Our August
conference call will be held this Tuesday, August 11 at 9:00 PM. As usual,
the call-in number and access code can be found at the bottom of this
message. We will finalize our student plans for the NFB of North Carolina's
State convention. Once again, the convention is being held September 11-13
at the Holiday Inn Crabtree Valley hotel at 4100 Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh.
You can find more information at:


In order to get the convention rate, reservations must be made by August 28.
If you're in or near Raleigh and you have other accommodations, registration
is only $5 and the Saturday night banquet costs $30. Otherwise, rooms are at
the reduced convention rate of $75.00 + 12.5 % tax. We hope to see you

A couple students just returned from the NFB Youth Slam which was held in
Baltimore last week. You can find more information on this powerful event


If you attended we would love for you to call in and highlight some of your
experiences. I have heard the event ended with a rally in front of the
Lincoln Memorial and that many students were even able to test-drive an
accessible automobile for the first time.

We hope to talk to some of you Tuesday night!

call in number: 712.432.3900

access code: 3866158


Brice Smith
Vice-President, North Carolina Association of Blind Students

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