[Ncabs] NC Spring Student Seminar

Gary H. Ray ghray at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 20 21:17:09 UTC 2009

The NC Association of Blind Students (NC ABS) of the National Federation of
the Blind of NC is planning a Student Seminar on Saturday, March 28, 2009.
This Seminar will be held at the Governor Morehead School in the Penland

The Seminar is aimed at any High School and College Student.  The best way
to learn about making it in college is to listen to folks who are making it.

Below is inserted, first, the flyer for the event, and, next, the tentative
outline for the program.


Are you a blind or visually impaired high school or college student in North
Do you want to network with other students? Want to learn more about
services offered to you as you transition?
The North Carolina Association of Blind Students along with the National
Federation of the Blind of North Carolina is holding a spring seminar for
interested high school and college students.
We'll have local and national representatives and speakers, group
discussions, artists, a self defense lesson, demonstrations of the latest
blindness related technology, chances to meet other students, and we'll be
giving away a free Victor Reader Stream, the hand-held portable reading
device for the blind!
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009
Location: Governor Morehead School for the Blind
When: 9:00AM-5:00PM (Lunch and snacks provided)
How much: $10 at the door gets you everything including food!
Parents: Parents are welcome to attend for $10, but student programming will
be separate from parent programming. We encourage that if it is possible
that you allow your students to attend without you.
For more information, contact Brice Smith, vice president of the North
Carolina Association of Blind Students, at NCABS11 at yahoo.com or by calling
him at 919.637.1028.
To register send your name, grade, phone number, address, email address, and
the medium of materials you will need (print, large print, or Braille) to
ncabs11 at yahoo.com. Be sure to include whether you have any food allergies;
we cannot plan accordingly if we do not know ahead of time. Don't have
email? Send all of the listed info to Dasha Radford, 3604 Octavia St.
Raleigh N.C. 27606.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

8:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM Welcome
Concurrent Sessions, College & High School
9:15 AM College: Self Defense & High School: Assertiveness Training
9:45 AM Switch
9:50 AM High School: Assertiveness Training & College: Self Defense
10:20 AM Switch
10:25 AM High School: What Do I Need to Know Before College?
& College: What Do I Need to Know When I First Get to College?
10:55 AM Come Back Together
11:00 AM Blind Sports?
11:30 AM Technology
12:00 Noon Lunch
1:00 PM What Can the NFB Do for You?  Why Should You Get Involved?
1:30 PM When Is It Time to Start Learning Braille?
2:00 PM Blind Art?
2:45: PM Open Discussion. How Do We Cope With Every Day Annoyances or With
Other People's Ignorance?
3:30 PM Services Available to Blind Students.
4:00 PM Blind Professionals Panel
5:00 PM Adjourn

Please pass this along as appropriate.

Gary Ray

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